In the next few days, the resolution will be on the political front, in front of the ballot box in which Andrés Arauz from UNES and Guillermo Lasso from CREO-PSC will participate.
El Pachakutik (PK) political movement “Desacreditará” a gualquier Gobierno que haya ganado in the second presidential election of April 11, afirmó the national coordinator Marlon Santi, to pronounce about the fall of Tribunal Contencioso Electoral (TCE) which has no legal recourse with which it claims to open electoral packages.
“If in the lost urns, our lucha will be re-indexed between them in the calls. Nuestra lucha va a ser no aceptar a ese Gobierno que va a enter corroído. We will not accept this Gobierno that will enter into obscure pacts, ”said Santi, in a press release this March 15th.
The political organization will meet in the next few days to resolve what will be its position, on the market of the second day of April 11; the decision is taken with his militia, the political leader is happy. It is decided that it will support some of the candidates who will compete in the ballot or, on the contrary, will vote against the zero vote.
This is in front of the decision of the Confederation of Indian Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), which is the adelanto este lunes, y en un communicado annunio que impulsará el zero ideological vote between its bases.
“To support the decision of the TCE and to oppose the negative of the organism on the part of Pachakutik, we will impulse the zero ideological vote: neither Lasso, nor Nebot, nor Correa. This position is consistent with our historical lucha, by our political project, which transcends the electoral period (…). “We will establish companies for our horizon of resistance and we will establish other mechanisms for combating social issues,” he said in a communication from the movement.
Conaie will promote between him bases the zero vote for the second electoral roll
Pachakutik announced that it will present an appeal to the court of last instance dispatched by the TCE, regarding the subjective appeal in conjunction with the presidential candidate, Yaku Pérez, impulsar to revise more than 20,000 acts of scrutiny of the February 7 vote, in which it is believed to be an electoral fraud.
The PK’s lawyer, Julio César Sarango, explained that only a request would be made, in order for the TCE to respond as it did not clarify the evidence in its contention.
“The TCE does not revise the supporting tests, it does not take into account the clear and precise tests that we present. Luego tenemos el recurso internacional ”, question Sarango, que assuró que los jueces ne explainen par qué niegan su pedido y solo se“ dedicaron a hacer la partale ”.
For Santi, he applied for the “700,000 votes” receipt, and warned that for the second day of April 11, he was also “configuring anomalies and invalidities”. (I)