Pablo Moctezuma assures that Alejandra Guzmán “will be the reality”

Luego que Frida Sofia God has known publicly that he abuelo, Enrique Guzmán, the tobacca in his intimate parts of inadvertent manner, has created a conflict between those involved and each day in the light of most revelations. Ahora, Alejandra acusó al padre de su hija, Pablo Moctezuma, de haberla golpeado. Ante here, the empress declared that “not the golpe, I defended her”; make sure the car is running for years and the connoisseur well.

“It’s really a lure, it’s a woman who’s been accused of being stupid, because she’s known to Alejandra,’s a public figure who’s never had to worry about all the problems he has with the world,” he explained to the Mexican television program. The first mano (Image TV). “Alejandra is a person who has a rump and is housed in the Cybernetic [luchador]. Golpizas and aeromozas; la han bajado de aviones, barcos, trenes; the hotel corridor. Creo que acaba de apunalar a una persona ahorita, a un novio hace un mes; apunaló a un novio que era amío mío, que era novel ella también “.

Respect for the rocker’s signals ensures that no one has seen or cared for the hen house, Moctezuma is sick. “I’ve said I’ve been here for 29 years. This woman is bad, she’s driving to reality, to driving to the world. It’s going to be in the hospital for the last time. For 20 years, she’s been to New York with us; quedó in my house in Acapulco “.

Dejó has already discovered other difficult passages in the life of the interpreter of “Flower of Papel”. The first story is that when she gave up because of the advertisement she found it “Frida rivotril” [fuerte medicamento] with three months of death “. Second, it was a situation that led to the song.” Alejandra told me that he had been sexually abused by someone looking for him in his family, “he told me,” he agreed.

Alejandra Guzmán Instagram Beatriz Pasquel Instagram


‘Que Alejandra [con esta experiencia] he did not have the empathy of what his wife had declared anything about his father [Enrique Guzmán]. No haber corrido a leaves. Si es o no verdad ‘voy a ver mi hija’ “, mencionó.” I hope that with this interview I will present a moment of liquidation in order to see that he is paying for a job. What a pity for what he hecho “.

Pablo Moctezuma recognizes that “nee hy sido el padre ejemplar”; lo lo, se sigue arrepintiendo y le ha pedido perdón a la modelo; without embarrassment, has always been on his side. You have to support Frida Sofia in this process. Declared confession due to the failure of Alejandra Guzmán to support her marriage.

“Hasta el día de hoy, todavía le tenía un cierto cariño y respecto a Alejandra, no quería que esto transcendiera a algo más. Alejandra está muy mal asesorada”, advirtió. “Sigue desacreditando a Frida, sigue defending lo indefendible”.
