Pablo Ceppelini goes to Peñarol losing money and without option to buy

The novel of Pablo Ceppelini is at the point of reading to the end. The midfielder Charrúa will travel this week to his native Uruguay to sign a new contract with Peñarol, equipped with the most recent finals of this year without the option to buy mandatory. Cruz Azul for his part, he pays the share of the football player’s salary and hopes to return to his moment in the month of January.

Carlos Villaba, representing Uruguayan midfielder, confirmed to ESPN Digital that Ceppelini would be part of his salary for the club’s salary. Además, dismantled the information that hablaban del nacido in Montevideo as the foreign player of La Máquina better pay the plantilla.

Tendra to resign to victimize money, has only one part of the variable salary (objectives), which without playing, is impossible to log. If so, that hizo would renounce the variables. O sea que de conseguirlas acá en Uruguay, no las va a cobrar ”, reconciliation Villalba in an interview.

The 29-year-old midfielder’s agent lamented that from the press point of view that Ceppelini was covering a desorbed salary, and comparing it to the perpetrated by Milton Caraglio que, segun Villalba, ganaba el double que su jugador. In addition, it was also most affected by the situation of its representative in Cruz Azul, where it was not possible to adapt and terminate with the branch.

“It can be incorporated, given that the plant is stable, but you can make sure that it is not a salary for the clouds, like dijeron. It is a normal salary and I am sure that I have a salary equal to the majority of the players, sin estar por la franja alta; must be by the media franchise and media hacia abajo ”, destacó.
