Oxford stops trial of AstraZeneca COVID vaccine in children and adolescents due to blood clotting issue

The University of Oxford has suspended the administration of doses of the COVID-19 vaccine developed with AstraZeneca PLC AZN.
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in a small UK study aimed at evaluating its safety and efficacy in children and adolescents, waiting for further information on rare blood clotting issues found in a small group of adults who received it, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. The trial began in mid-February and involved more than 200 young people aged 6 to 17, the newspaper said. It quoted an Oxford spokesman as saying that the trial found no safety issues but that there was greater concern and a review of the vaccine by regulators in the UK and the European Union. The European Medicines Agency said earlier in the week that it was seeking to inform the public about its investigation into the blood clotting issue.
