Overwatch Pachimari Challenge Dates and Skins Announced

Blizzard Entertainment launches new challenging event in Ear Watch today, and this time it’s about Pachimari, the tentacle mascot of the Overwatch world. The Pachimari Challenge will reward players with cosmetics for winning games, and the ultimate prize is Roadhog’s new Pachimari skin.

Ear Watch‘s Pachimari Challenge will take place from 9 to 22 March. The event is similar to previous character-specific challenges for Ana, Baptiste, Bastion, Hanzo, Mercy and Sigma. Players only need to win a series of games in any game mode to unlock new cosmetic items. Winning three games unlocks a new player icon, while winning six games unlocks a new Junkrat emote. Winning nine games unlocks the epic Pachimari skin for Roadhog, the canonical Pachimari enthusiast of the game.

Players can also earn six new sprays (some of which can be seen below), just by signing up Ear Watch.

A Pachimari Spray on Overwatch's Blizzard World

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

A variety of Pachimari sprays from Overwatch

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Ear WatchThe latest event is now available live on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One. The game can be played by being backwards compatible on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.
