Outdoors removes the big feature if the servers are struggling

The servers of Outdoors after appearing regularly on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, Google Stadiums and Xbox Game Pass this week. At the moment there is no word on when the game will improve in this regard, but what the word is is the removal of one of the larger features of the game. If you’re wondering why cross-play is not available, it’s because People Can Fly and Square Enix had to partially remove the option from the game due to a seemingly unforeseen issue.

At the time of publication, crossword puzzles are available in all capacities. Console players can play with console players and Steam players can play with Epic Games Store players, but that’s it. In other words, what can not be done is to connect the console players to PC players and vice versa

According to People Can Fly, the roof of the issue is a de-synchronization issue that leads to a mismatch between the backs, which in turn leads to players being kicked out of sessions. People Can Fly does not cause this problem, but it does note that it treats the problem “with the highest priority” and that it is working on patches to correct the oversight. In other words, the removal has nothing to do with the current server issues, and should be addressed within the next few updates.

“We’ve discovered a synchronization between the computer and console code,” writes People Can Fly of the issue. “This leads to a mismatch between the backs, causing players to be kicked out of a multiplayer game that includes console and computer players. We are addressing this issue with the highest priority and we are working on patches that will synchronize all platform codes, which solve these problems. “

As always, we’ll be sure to update this story as additional and official information arrives. In the meantime, click here or check out the relevant and recent links for more coverage on the popular new looter and all that’s playing. under:
