Outdoor dining * Can * start again in the Bay Area by the second week of February

The outdoor dinner in San Francisco – and elsewhere in the Bay – could resume, give or take in three weeks, according to the state’s projections on the COVID-related ICU capabilities.

As you probably know, the current closure orders were not the work of Mayor London Breed or any other mayor or director of public health, but come on the orders of Governor Gavin Newsom at the regional level. While San Francisco and four other provinces in the Bay Area began home orders about ten days earlier than they would have needed in December, the regional order went into effect on December 18 and will only be lifted by the state. predicts that the availability of the ICU bed will decrease and will reach 15% or more within four weeks.

As the Chronicle reported Thursday, the Greater Sacramento region (which includes Tahoe and a total of 13 provinces) lifted its state order this week, not because it has reached 15% availability of beds in industry sectors, but because it is expected to be soon.

Meanwhile, Bay Area ICU availability has fallen to its lowest level since the pandemic began on Monday, falling below 1%, but fortunately by the middle of the week it was back to 4.7% and could rise tends.

Currently, the CAVID Assessment Tool in California on February 7 is the first time the Bay Area will take up its orders, although it is possible that the outlook may change by next week. And while San Francisco and Alameda County have increased their capacity over the past few days, according to the Chronicle, counties are reducing the average of the region, such as Santa Cruz County, which was 0% available from midweek.

San Francisco restaurants serving in outdoor parquet, etc. Invested is eager to reopen for meals, and the scientific jury is still debating whether dining outside poses a significant risk to COVID transmission.

However, experts have warned, as trends locally go in the right direction, that the new, more contagious variant of the coronavirus is actively spreading the US – and it could become the dominant strain in March. Tensions were found to have spread widely in the UK, even if the closure orders were in place, suggesting that frequent “essential” matters (let alone the dining room) may be more dangerous for transmission than with the original virus strains .

Photo: SFist
