Oswaldo Sánchez returns to Pollo Briseño for the fall of America

Mexico City /

El baile que le puso America a Chivas In the Clásico Nacional hizo que Oswaldo Sánchez, TUDN analyst, explores Antonio “el Pollo” Briseño, which the critic had to open the window during the week and not support on campus.

After Henry Martín pussed the second, the export of Atlas, America, Chivas, Santos and the National Selection directly against the defense, which in the second quarter that el Rebaño Sagrado is the biggest club of Mexico, in addition to the Eagles have no identity.

They declare that they have quality“We do not want to lament the attention in the media”, Sanchez signaled notably molesto by the exhibition that the zaguero had the azulcrema team.

A bad night of Briseño

In the second episode, Brisenño lost the Martín brand, which was completely repaired only to increase sales.

Antes, at the first meeting, the zaguero salvaged an eviction after mowing a slab on Martin’s property.
