Óscar Valdez to descansar … al ‘Alacrán’ Berchelt le gustaría revancha

Have received the title of CMB, now the monarch will pass one day with his family, in his ranch

Hours after the torment, casi a day after the Spokesman by Oscar Valdez about Miguel Berchelt, his representatives hablaron con ESPN about the future of both, and now, both Iran to descend a good time.

Frank Espinoza, Oscar’s manager, said he was more than happy for the victory and made sure that the song that at any moment could present Valdez in Mexican territory, was released at the time, just now.

“It was a very long camp, many months of work were done to compensate for the victory, the Boxing World Cup champion that wanted so much, and now with a break,” said Espinoza. ‘I believe that Oscar will regress after Mayo, if time passes with his family, in his ranch, ”added the reconciled manager.

Espinoza celebrates Valdez’s decision to move to Eddy Reynoso’s stable, pues a pesar de haber recibido algunas critique, la conquista del bicampeonato despejó las dudas sobre lo acertado de la decision. “With Eddy noting the advances, he sees that he’s the best boxer, now he’s only saber and in front, on the defensive side he’s doing well, he’s a great guy on Saturday,” the manager said.

For the Berchelt lad, promoter Mario Abraham says the most tranquil he has been to Las Vegas. In the charla que tuvieron, indicó, Berchelt accepts that he has disappeared, and he hopes that at some point he will seek revenge. “Now let’s go down,” said Abraham. “Siente que el no fue quien peleó anoche, que gente ajena a equipo estuvo calentando la cabeza y lo perjudico much in su preparión”, puntualizó.

“I want revenge, because it’s not a lie to the pelea. The Valdez spacecraft, which has a large fleece and differs from the other, is concentrated on all preparations, ”Abraham said. In Charla with Eduardo Lamazón, Berchelt says that he did not know Covid he had just finished the game.
