Organizations advised that “we will not give up” before the creation of a Life and Family Commission

Organizations dedicated to the defense of the human rights Levantaron will bear the lie of the President of the Senate, José Luis Dalmau Santiago, the delegation to the Senator by Projecto Dignidad, Joanne Rodríguez Veve, a new commission called the Commission of Family Aid .

The resolution will take into account the jurisdiction of each commission, which will investigate whether studies on the subject of the Family Code Civil Code, as well as changes to government programs that are related to the family. Similarly, legislation relating to prenatal rights and the development of women “composing” the life “in all stages”.

Following on Twitter, the Amplio Committee for the Equality Accusation in Dalmau Santiago created the new commission in which Rodríguez Veve voted for it for the Senate presidency.

“From CABE we are not surprised that, at the expense of a blank ballot for the discriminate and persecute LGBTTIQ + communities and diverse families to designate a commission of this nature to a senator whose party we invisible ”, reads the statement. “There is no difference between the traditional parties and their relationship with the LGBTTIQ communities, the women and all those who carry out the traditional party. We sold, by a vote ”.

“As far as the Legislature is concerned, the communities, the women, and their allies are being prepared. We will not give you a pass. We will not give up and we will not allow persecution or discrimination from the bank”, Conclude the statement.

For its part, the Matria Project is a matter for the presidency of a commission “which should guarantee human rights to the senator who has an aborted conservative agenda”.

“How did the senator conclude that this was the best option?”, Finalizing the statement.

In a communication disclosed to the media, Matria en CABE will issue a communication amplifying its denunciation. In synthesis, Dalmau Santiago accuses him of ignoring equality claims and describes Rodríguez’s name as a contradiction to the election promises of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD).

También accuses the PPD of being the hereditary “de lo peor” of the past administration in the Senado.

“The rights of women and LGBTTIQ people are protagonists in the public discussions of the past four years and, in particular, of the pre-election debate. All the public debate demonstrated that it had built a social consensus in favor of equality and that, as in any case, there are more spaces in which it is created and working to guarantee the human rights of the women and other people who live there. discriminate in our country. Hecho, candidacies such as that of Maria Milagros Charbonier (who lost the first years before being arrested), the proposal of Carlos Delgado Altieri and Nayda Venegas Brown were rejected for their actions and expressions of conservative and anti-dishonest court “, assured Isabelz Ramos de la Ruta de las Mujeres (Matria).

“When we read the document describing the Commission of Asuntos of Life and Family, it appears from the office of Senator Rodríguez Veve’s office and it is clear that the Senate presidency has agreed to the measure and has taken the power to make decisions about it. asuntos related to the Family Code of the Civil Code and our families in general. The bochornoso pore denota descuido and lack of coherence between the palabra and the action of part of the presidency, but in addition it is insulting to the women and the groups of human rights that in the past two years have fought against a Civil Code violates the various families, against projects such as the PS950 that oppose the right to abortion, the Religious Liberty which claims to allow for discrimination and the Therapeutic Therapies that -as the color of reconciliation to the individual liberties- authorize a Homophobic families take care of their minorities in physical and psychological violence, ”said Amárilis Pagán Jiménez of Proyecto Matria.

Pagan says that Rodríguez Veve’s agenda is “violent and contrary to the physical and emotional integrity of minorities such as women and LGBTTIQs”.

In the case of the organization La Mesa Aborto Libre PR, its spokesman Edda López Serrano questioned the functions that are being carried out by the Committee of Asuntos de la Vida y Familia as well as the designation of Rodríguez Veve for the presidency.

JalOjalá assuntos atendidos por esta Komissón tengan que ver un la conditions de propician la desigualdad que enfrentan las persona, entre ellas la invisibilization des sociales problemes as a result of discrimination, violence and maltratos contra les mujeres y personas LGBTTQes + escr.

The Senate President, José Luis Dalmau, has excluded the votes of various sectors to name Senator Rodríguez Veve in this post. Revisits the attacks on our sexual and reproductive rights by the Legislature during the last four years: José Luis Dalmau has replaced the role of Nayda Venegas Brown with Senator Rodríguez Veve¨, Senator López Serrano alluding to the release of the book PS950.

El Nuevo Día submitted a response to Dalmau Santiago to these expressions. Formerly, this mid-term interview with Senator Rodríguez Veve to explain his work agenda.

In detail in his vote in favor of Dalmau Santiago as President of the Senate, Rodríguez Veve signaled that there was a compromise of “Darle paso” mediates para regular abortion “and protects the life of all the nines in the future as the pregnant mothers”.

El Nuevo Día had intention, without success, to interview Rodríguez Veve about what to refrain from regular abortion. If the salary is not publicly passed to the President of the Chamber of Representatives, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández Montañez when the legislator anticipates that there will be a “difficult” plan to regulate abortion. It was presented in a radial interview that the topic was “supervised” the past quarter, but was compromised in the middle of the course, a public visit process is underway.

Rodríguez Veve gives the answer on his social speeches indicating that the parish klaaglik the posture of Hernández Montañez.

“If abortion is favored, without any regulation, it is important that the country knows its posture,” he said. “In the same way that the country is known to its legislators who are in favor of life at all times and circumcisions.”

In the November finals, Rodríguez Veve and the representative of Projecto Dignidad, Lisie Janet Burgos, will send a card to the governor electo Pedro Pierluisi indicating that an emergence that has been announced should be generalized because it should protect the life puertorriqueños. It should be noted that the initiative alone will stimulate ideological agendas for small groups and that it will pretend to use public funds to provide education with a gender perspective.

The signal is also that the violence “does not have sex, nor does it cause its various causes”.

Argumentaron también a Pierluisi that the ideology of gender consists in “the idea that human beings do not give birth to men or women and that our sexual identity depends solely on our self-perception, that is, on the purely subjective self-definition of the person. As it is, the sea, as this antecedent conception of human sexuality, will resolve or tackle the problem of violence against women ”.
