Oregon Drivers Trapped in Snow Get Surprise COVID Vaccination

Some lucky Americans received a surprising vaccination against coronavirus when they shopped in a supermarket. Others followed rumors on social media to record a dose.

But six people in Oregon managed to secure their shots on Tuesday because they happened to be stuck in the right place on a snowy road at the right time.

Josephine County officials near the California border held a three-day COVID-19 vaccination event at a local high school when they had to close early. “A blizzard came during the clinic, and we had to leave before the vaccines were given,” Joseph Weber, director of public health Mike Weber told BuzzFeed News.

The team had six doses of Moderna vaccine left over for individuals in the nearby town of Grants Pass, but an accident on the snowy road caused a traffic jam.

Knowing that they would be stuck for some time, and that the Moderna shot was only six hours left, they went to work looking for other stranded motorists who might want a surprising vaccine.

“We started off and just started driving car after car,” Weber said.

Amid heavy snowfall and on a snow-covered road, the team had to convince drivers that it was not a practical joke.

“It was a mixed bag of reactions,” Weber said. “Most people found it funny. It’s a funny situation to find yourself in. It’s not something most people expect!”

One man was so happy that he even jumped out of his car and ripped off his shirt to get his injection.

“He was doing a merry dance in his seat when he finally believed we were actually going to give him a vaccine,” Weber said.

Another woman who received a dose was working at the local sheriff and was on her way to the pop-up vaccination clinic when the weather slowed her down.

There was an ambulance at the scene in case anyone needed it.

The lucky six receive tickets by mail so they can return in four weeks for their booster shots.

Weber said it is one of the coolest operations he has ever been involved in.

“This is what public health does: we are here to help the community,” he said. “Right now, it’s the best thing we can do for the community to get these vaccines out.”
