Orbelín Pineda’s options and Cruz Azul’s decision

There was an agitated semester in the offices of Cruz Azul. The cements will be like six of his players will finish his corner with the club next June, and there is an internal debate about who is renovating and who is going to march. As far as this is concerned, the magnifying glass, without embarrassment, has been removed and it is expected to generate temporary damage to the passages: the case Orbelín Pineda.

The ‘Maguito’ culminated in the month of December, and in the case of not reading an agreement with the cements, can negotiate with any other club since June. However, since Noria has the intention of retention, the economic positions of the footballer and the institution are subject to change.

According to information from the last ten days, Orbelín has paid three million dollars a year in a contract that will be extended by 2024. His actual salary increases by two million and is one of the highest payers of all plants. The economic downturn that caused the pandemic in the wake of the finances that manejan in the club, and that ofrecen algo muy distant de lo que pide el jugador.

This ‘calle sin salida’ has hecho que elacido en el DF empiece a sondear otras optiones para su futuro lejos de La Máquina. According to information provided by Gabriel Tamayo, the Informant, Pineda is looking for three alternatives to follow his football career. One of them in the mist MX League, pero del lado de Tigs, team that will post in the next step market.

The second option is a salida hacia la MLS. If you specify the number of the entity, it is a superior offer that can present the felines, even if it is related to Orbelin’s claims. The other alternative, more remote, is the idea to European football. This is the one that draws me to the midfielder, but I have no category team that is interested in the footballer.

Good: the plant grows

Malo: no hubo files de verdad
