Orbelín Pineda: ¿Mago o charlatán?

It has a very strong support in football and in some cases has been mentioned. Le dicen ‘Mago‘y ciertamente cuenta entre su repertoire con algunos distellos, los cuales se le pagan with frequency.

For his record taken in Gallos, Chivas (where he was a multi-champion) and now Cruz Azul, he had to think that he would leave one veteran, but this time it is close to 25 years.

Orbelín Pineda pide pista, de una vez por todas el ‘Mago‘quiere dejar constance de que no se tata de una de tantas y tantas promesas que se extinguen con el time. It is time to ratify that we are in the presence of a ‘charlatan’.

From the tour passed before the celestial debacle in the Semifinals, the origin of Coyuca de Catalán, Guerrero, exhibition one plenitude football statistics that do not appear to be inappropriate, including in the National Selection, Gerardo Martino it is contemplated as a title in some games.

He is a complete football player who can be promoted to distinct demarcations. It has balloon recovery, es generator, highly capable in the mano to mano, distance media storage, pisa both areas and cover much ground.

Its problem, like many footballers, is the regular. Orbelín is late in getting the quality jump that appears, is finally consolidating.

Ya quedó fuera de unos Olympic Games (Río 2016) by an incomprehensible decision of technical entities Raúl Gutiérrez, by which the World Cup of Qatar appears as a new opportunity that can not escape.

Pineda is called to be one of the players who encapsulate the generational training in the Tricolor, you can have all the arguments to convert into important part of the team Martino y no and a simple supplement.

Orbelin has no alternative: it is forbidden to disappear during periods of prolongation. The ‘Magos’ have the obligation to ratify their day and their virtues, the contrary is simply accepted charlatans.
