Orange County is looking for volunteers for masses of COVID-19 vaccination sites – Orange County Register

Provincial officials are setting up massive COVID-19 vaccination sites and are looking for volunteers to help with the proliferation effort.

The sites – called super point-of-dispensing or PODs – will be set up across the country and are expected to vaccinate thousands of residents daily. Disneyland was the first place announced Monday, and four more are expected and will have to be manned seven days a week, officials said.

Officials said they hope to register volunteers who will help run the sites. The province needs people who have medical training, but also those who can help with general tasks such as sending traffic, entering data into computers and registering.

When the question arose on Tuesday during the board of supervisors in Orange County whether people can volunteer just to gain early access to the vaccine, which is being rolled out in phases, supervisor Lisa Bartlett said they were told those who report for at least four people . Ten-hour shifts are eligible for a dose.

“The idea is to give it to long-term volunteers,” Bartlett said.
