OPS helps rich countries help with evacuation to the poorest

The Panamericana Organization of Health has instilled in the most vulnerable countries that aid in reducing the number of vaccines to be vaccinated against coronavirus because the protection is only given when the majority of the population is immunized.

The declarations of the Director General of the OPS, Carissa Etienne, should take place in a virtual press conference on the same day as the Minister of External Relations of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, told the United Nations that the rich countries should cover the vacancies – 19, which represents an “injustice” and a risk to human security.

With the aim that all countries have an equitable and reciprocal access at the same time as the vacancies, the World Health Organization — of which the OPS is part — and various international institutions have created the COAX pandemic mechanism. Without embarrassment, it is also the responsibility of the countries with the most recourse to start bilateral agreements with the pharmaceutical companies, in order to ensure the receipt of the vaccine also through other channels.

Hasta now, the only countries he has received dose he hecho has traverses his agreements, which he accommodated large part of the vacancies available at world level.

COVAX is a very busy one and has not had any vacancies. Prevent the next week with more than a hundred member states — among 37 of them in the United States — when it comes to receiving the first doses and what amounts they send.

During a meeting of the UN Security Council, of which Mexico is a temporary member, Ebrard called for an equitable distribution of vacancies. Dijo has three quarters of the first dose of vacancies administered worldwide concentrated in just 10 countries representing 60% of the Global Gross Domestic Product.

“There is a huge gap between this small group of countries that is threatened and the rest of the countries, the horror of the international community, which has no access to the vacancies,” said the Mexican chancellor. “We believe that we have never seen a division so profound that it affects us so much in a short time. Y drang actuar ”.

The OPS praises his words.

“It’s doubtful that Mexico’s name is important,” said the organization’s deputy director, Jarbas Barbosa, and said that COVAX was working on a permanent mechanism similar to the one created in 2010 for the flu pandemic, and that it guarantees that The manufacturers of the vacancies have donated certain amount of dose, sell other accessible prices and transfer technology from their laboratories.

The United States region has been strongly affected by the pandemic, although in the last 12 weeks there has been a 10% drop in contagion rates, mainly due to the highs in the United States situation. The number of deaths has also increased, albeit only in the last week, in accordance with the information provided by the OPS.

Last week, he registered more than 1.2 million cases and 39,000 deaths in the United States. In Central America, all countries, with the exception of Honduras, have seen an increase in the number of infections. In North America, the descent is generalized in all countries, and in South America there is only one pound with increases, such as Peru, Colombia and Brazil.

Some experts estimate that in order to reach the number of disabled people, it is necessary that at least 70% of the population is vacant. And las Américas, represents a month of 700 millone de personas.

In the months since the evacuation in the United States, where 63 million people have been immunized, the majority of them in North America.

COVAX offers a fleet of vacancies with the most accessible prices for all lands related to equitable access. Heidense some to obtain their vacancies and other, the lesser resources, the receipts as a donation. The mechanism predisposes to distribute 160 million vacancies in the first six months of this year in the region.
