Ontspanning en welstand, así cambiará el tourism de bienestar en 2021: el nacimiento de las workation y la salud integral como prioritidad

In two days before darl the pistoletazo of salida in 2021, and after one of the most large years that will be recorded, the need for a descent is met only in a deeso, sino in a reality. Disconnect to be able to connect, reset to por, breathe, convert to one of the more clear trends in our next months. And with reason.

For Zoom or for lovers of traditions, by phone (if you ask for a few centuries, classify the action as vintage for the lesser ones): as it is all done ultimately. Inclusive (and above all) the interviews. Behind the water ‘face to face’. Ahora, a km of distance and after various tones, begins the magic. To describe what we are looking for in a wellness issue and get the 365 days that are presented by delante, hemos hablado con Alejandro Bataller, Deputy Director SHA Wellness , a select clinic of luminosity, dedicated to the welfare of the body and mind (with a foundation of fundraising) points to the integral care.

Sha Wellness.

Sha Wellness.

Located in L’Abir (Alicante), solamente hace falta buskar # shawellness from Instagram to meet more than a few thousand publications among those who can be famous as Ana Boyer or Rossi de Palma, but also international celebrities like Naomi Campbell have a break to download pills.

“Everything we see with the pandemic makes all the reflections on the importance of personal care and, therefore, the mayor has an interest,” Alejandro told us by telephone. “I believe that although tourism is affected at the moment, the health tourism va a ser mucho resiliente ante estas circunstancias. Including, an experimental mayor. In the last five years we have created a media of a 15% annual, twice as many as traditional tourism, a media of 7% “, our account. And that, in the world of tourism, all related with health and well-being will be clear trend in 2021, fruit of the present in the vivimos donde la salud ha cobrado, sin duda, un papel protagonista en todos los sentidos.

“Wellness tourism has a much lighter, much more relaxed relationship offer: massages with a more holistic concept, spa … and I believe that convergence between wellness and health will adopt a more serious approach in the medical field, because the people, the one who travels, does not really relax, he also wants to score a point “, he affirms. And yes, there is no shortage of reasons: the medical presence in the wellness holiday destinations will increase in the coming years. “A clear point is all related to the immunological system. Nosotros en SHA we launched in July a package packed to refurbishment of the immunological system and I believe that in the end it is one of the great keys of all this situation. “We want our system to be the most likely to address the health issues that may arise,” he said.

Without embarrassment, it is necessary to conclude a state of health that is optimal for the United States, even if it is not more than anything else, the personalization of treatments according to the individual needs of the patient, “the genetic cobra can be a mayor’s weight. The genetic tests that have one are already less important, now they can be realized without problems for the treatment of the client and the recommendations are much more personalized” .

Alejandro Bataller, Deputy Director of SHA Wellness.

Alejandro Bataller, Deputy Director of SHA Wellness.

But the immunological system is not the only advertising, the llamada ‘gut health’ is located in another of the most requested services: the health of the digestive device and the study of the microbiota. Digestive problems, pain without explanation … SHA is also specialized in detecting and treating this type of affection, “It is estimated that around 30% of the population has digestive type problems. Habitually it is not easy to deal with the solution and inside the wellness industry is also very much present. has a lot of detox hap. But a detox more focused on purifying the body because it has a time of excesses and tears, but it is much more so. SHA We have a detailed study of the health status of your digestive tract from a point of view of medical and scientific evidence to address the possible solutions with the aim of being able to achieve an optimal state of health “, our account Alejandro.

But when we greet health, we only greet the physical. Mental health is fundamental and care will be taken from the needs most demanded this year and beyond: “Everything is related, now more than ever, with mental health, stress, anxiety … the situation that we are concerned about a lot of people are attracted to the past and all that is related to mental well-being va a despuntar “, reconoce.

No obstacle, it is not detectable, but it is the right way to have the shape of the viajar y movernos ha cambiado. Teletrabajo has given more freedom in all the sentiments, because it has extended the phenomenon of the ‘workings’: “The tendency to combine relaxation, work and follow the responsibilities of professionals. Hasta ahora en los wellness seros entendia la Experiencecia as a moment to disconnect: to stop the car, to disengage the obligations … but in the end I changed a lot the type of people who now belong to the wellness centers. A wellness like SHA is not intended to be a woman of mediana edad que quiere perder peso -que también- sino que la gran Mayoría que acude es gente que tiene una viy muy assets, profesiones exigentes, un gran nivel de responsabilidad, mucho estrés, ens. Además, viajan mucho y, exactly ese contexto, necesitan cuando tienen tiempo libre aprovecharlo para ponerse a punto “, afirma Bataller. The exchange also took place due to the circumstances, “the evolution of telecommunications has been key and has become any more normal than it could be from any part of the world. In SHA, we are working on this, we adapt to the availability of time huésped and hemos created a teletrabajo kit, in order to have this need we can satisfy “.

Suite and SHA Wellness.

Suite and SHA Wellness.

“It installs the work meter, the ergonomic screen, the printer … so that you can work at the same time as you can. Additionally, 60% of our high-end machines come solo, so this is a perfect concept for the SHA combines both things “.

And the method that follows this ambivalent clinic is ambitious, “the SHA method is also very focused on the best of productivity. “There are very important decisions in your tray directory. And he just came here because you can find the best concentration scenario for the habitual route”, explains.

Although 2021 promises to be a convulsion, the premise is clear: the quality first about the time, algo en lo que también esta de acuerdo Alejandro Bataller, “la gente va a comenzar a hacer menos viajes pero una duración burgemeester. “comfort of hogar. Va has to do more than one way to cultivate the bienestar and the salute that other unique character has more light. If you move, you need a motive for weight to move and so you have a place like SHA”, finalize .

What is the minimum length of stay in the clinic? A week, even if it is recommended, if possible, make a cycle of 21 days (at a time when generating a habit) to descend, retrieve pills, use the benefits of feeding that serve in SHA (free food refinements, harinas, artificial edulcorants …) as well as the treatments that can receive a time to enter through its gates. Geen hooi otra phrase for descirbirlo: an authentic -casi- religious experience that, in addition to placement, will increase our health.
