OnePlus unveiled earlier this month that it will release a smartwatch in 2021, though it is still unclear whether it will use Google’s Wear OS platform or custom software (such as Huawei and Samsung’s portable materials). However, if a new report is accurate, a cheaper fitness band can reach the end point before a full-fledged OnePlus smartwatch is ready.

Android Central reports that OnePlus will release a fitness group before the regular smartwatch is ready. The band is expected to arrive sometime in the first quarter of 2021, and it will cost about $ 40. This puts it in competition with the Xiaomi Mi Band 5, Galaxy Fit2, Wyze Band (pictured above) and other low-end wearables. The OnePlus strap probably has an AMOLED screen, water resistance and multi-day battery life.

Given the proximity of OnePlus to Oppo, any fitness group of OnePlus can be based on the Oppo Band, which was released in June. The Oppo Band has a 1.1-inch AMOLED screen, 12 sports tracking modes, waterproofing up to 50 meters, but no GPS. It costs CNY 199, which is about $ 30 at the current exchange rate.