One of Donald Trump’s most recent mediocre benefits for Venezuelan migrants

In one of his last government meetings and the days of the power, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, suspended on the night of March deportation of Venezuelan immigrants for a period of 18 months, at the time when the decision was taken to grant temporary work permits.

In a statement from the White House, Trump said “Venezuela’s deterrent situation justify the applauseor of the eviction of the Venezuelan citizens who are present in the United States “.

The mandatory mandate considers that its decision, which can benefit women permanently in the country by 20 years, respond to “United States External Political Interests”.

The medium has some exceptions: no rule for those people que hayan sido deportadas con anterioridad o hayan sido condenadas for a crime or two minor offensess.

In addition to ordering the suspension of the deportations, the President-elect approves “employment authorizations for foreigners who have been evicted (…) for the duration of their stay”.

Trump’s decision supone un guiño a la comunidad venezolana en Estados Unidos, in his majority residence in Florida, that he repaid during these four years for his siege against the governor of Nicolás Maduro.

De hecho, this March Washington approves new economic sanctions against Caracas, is for members of a supuesta red cuyo objective era commercializ crudo venezolano evadiendo las penalizaciones estadounidenses.

From his visit to the White House in 2017, Trump’s governor imposing numerical economic sanctions against Maduro’s Executive, which is considered “illegitimate”.

United States is one of the strongest forces with which the Venezuelan leader leads Juan Guaidoh, what about 2019 reconciliation with the legitimate president of the caribbean nation.

The governor of Venezuela hopes that the new Administration of Democrat Joe Biden, who will assume the Presidency of the EU. mañana, miércoles, tenga “atisbos de decencia”, accompanied by the international and established “diplomatic channels of respectful dialogue”.

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