On the border of the land! … Germán Ortega makes sure he has no money to pay for the light | EL IMPARCIAL

Mexico City.- Germán Ortega, reconciled with one of the “Mascabrothers”, I confess to the country that its economic situation is at its present moment.

Applying that the governor of the City of Mexico authorizes the repertoire of theaters, German accounted for the Sale the Sun program, which is experiencing a major economic crisis.

“How can I make it pay … mi luz ?, How can I make it pay …? … what did I do? ”, Externó con la voz entrecortada ya punto de llorar el actor.

Tras lists the various companions of the artistic medium who are also living in a complicated situation, Ortega returned to his case and announced:

“Debo collegiaturas, ya me cancelaron tarjetas… à ké grado esperemos a que llegue?, A que me vuelva un loco y salga a correr como loco a la calle, porque aguas, stammos in depression, todos, muchos, estamos muy sensibles […] I’m alive with tension all day long, because I’m in the bank’s.

Finally, and assuring that by now you have to come, the comedian added: “I have a lot of panic, I have a lot of friends who do not work, unfortunately I depend on them, I have my own productions, I have big stars are hoping for something to work for ”.

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