ON DESARROLLO: Two deaths and various heirlooms of pregnancy in an armed attack on a caravan of FMLN militants | El Salvador News

In addition to the other five FMLN militants, there were ballot papers, alleging that an attack was carried out during the Provence event of an election in San Salvador by this political party.

Nidia Díaz, head of the FMLN faction, denounced the delay in carrying out a meeting in the Redondel Constitution, the candidate for election in San Salvador, Rogelio Canales, had attacked a caravan of FMLN militants leading the party center of San Salvador known as the “229”.

“Disparos vinieron de un sedán azul que se atravesó y sacó un arma y comenzó a disparar a los companeros”, afirmó Díaz.

One of these murmurs and another debate between the living and the dead in the Intensive Care Unit of Rosales Hospital. There are other lesbians who are in the Rosales hospital, their condition is delicate, Diaz said, by means of an audio that is sent to the periodicals.

Asi lucía the body of the vehicle in which the militants of the FMLN, attack squad were transported. The deputy Nidia Diaz said this sentence. Photo EDH / Cortesía

“It is a total delict to agree on its form with the people, expressing intolerance and the audio that is promising Nayib Bukele to the people, the electoral rules in his office, the tax authorities who carry cards in the court and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal”, afirmó the conductor of the FMLN.

“The failure of a companion and another companion is intense, hey heidos, this is the audio that Bukele says, dictates nothing more”, explained Díaz.

Other FMLN deputies will be summoned to the public hearing. It was announced that at 18:20 pm the brigade of companions had been identified as having been identified by the FMLN, between 11 Avenida Norte and 1a. Calle Poniente. This attack on our companions has 4 heroes and one failed. Execution of the Fiscalia and the PNC an investigation and immediate action “, posted on his Twitter, the deputy Yanci Urbina.

“The audio discourse of the President generates violence and death. This attack was carried out in the San Salvador Center by the FMLN partners resulting in 4 injuries and one death. The Fiscalia must act as intermediaries, the assessors will not control the Assembly. Juramos vencer ”, confirmed the director of FMLN, Lorena Peña on her Twitter.

FMLN sources explain that he was escorted to Rosales Hospital by 4 militants, “one lamentably failed, 2 were stabbed and one was stabbed”, informs.

Above all, the Police in their Twitter account informed that effectively there is an attack on FMLN people in the center of San Salvador.

“We have begun to carry out the search and retrieval actions of those responsible for this infamous act, as the Police will not allow the violence to be caused by the electoral campaign,” the PNC published.

According to the Fiscalia, there is a bankrupt and four injured persons, but it is stated that “alliance representatives of the Alliance will appear against the FMLN local”.

Bukele also expressed himself on his Twitter account. “It seems that the Moribund parties have been marching on their ultimate plan. Desperation for not losing their privileges and corruption. I thought the podium would be more beautiful, but cayeron ”, aseveró.


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