OMS pide means more intense versus new variant

(CNN) – The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on European countries that intensify coronavirus media to move the region to a new variant that was first detected in the United Kingdom.

The director of the OMS for Europe, Hans Kluge, told the Jews that more is needed to “plan the vertical line” of the increase in cases in some countries.

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If the variant appears to propagate more easily than others, there is no evidence that it is more deadly or causes a more serious illness.

The health officials also minimized the possibility that the vacancies against the coronavirus would not work against the variant.

Pero en el Reino Unido, the workers of the health are lying with a strong increase in cases and deaths. The country recorded a total of 1,041 more deaths on Wednesday, as well as 62,322 new cases.

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The crisis is particularly acute in London. The Jews, the alcalde Sadiq Khan dijo that the capital corrects the risk of quedarse sin camas of hospital in the proximos días.

“This virus is under control,” Khan told LBC Radio. «El [Servicio Nacional de Salud] is at the point of verse abrumado. I did not have any moment during this pandemic because it was more preoccupied with what I was doing ».
