OMS announces that it will not be necessary to vacant antiquities and international travelers

Airports and other points of entry into a country should not be allowed to travelers who demonstrate to be evacuated against COVID-19 in order to be able to access their territories, under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO).

In its semi-epidemiological information on the pandemic, the OMS insists that antiviral vaccines can not be taken for granted. which all are affected by the reduction of the contagios, the duration of the immunity that is proportionate or protected against live forms of COVID-19.

In addition, “the priority given to travelers can be, as a consequence, an inadequate dose unit for persons with a high risk of contracting serious forms of COVID-19”, added the UN agency.

It also recalls that the use of “certificates of immunity” for international travelers (both if they were evacuated as if they had been prevented from overcoming the disease) is not recommended “is not currently supported by scientific evidence”.

And they inform, the OMS reiterates that people over 60 years old, those with chronic illnesses and other risky groups should avoid traveling with a COVID-19 elevated transmission.

On the other hand, the organization results in international travelers “not necessarily being considered natural coffers of COVID-19”.

In 2020, international passenger traffic will pay 60% with respect to 2019 (2,700 million less passengers), which is due to the fact that there are an entry line on routes that is estimated at 371,000 million dollars.
