OMG! Kim Kardashian celebrates 200 million followers and the shelf is for them

The sociality, model, empresaria and public figure of the stadium, Kim Kardashian, dejo perpejos a todos sus fans un nuasas instantáneas en las que hace de toda su exuberante belleza, con motiv de celebración tras haber llegado a 200 millones de seguidores en en la red social de la camarita.

In its 40 years of existence, it has ruled over the sentimental and legal situation – the separation rumors that have been planted in more companies, including the assertion that divorce is the most important thing in history – with the icon of world rap Kanye West, is exploded and becomes more beautiful than the time it takes for the inverse to it; and are their fans the saben of excellent manners, it is because they are not able to create in followers of Instagram constantly.

