Omar Leiva marches on Honduras to receive death threats by denouncing victims in arbitration

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Honduras football is salted by new acts of corruption that it exárbitro Omar Leiva, revelo intentions of soborn of what object had one years ago.

Dos días despu de sis polemicas declarations, el juez de linea informa este viernes que decidió irse de Honduras liege de que el jueves en horas de la tarde, received death sentences through his accusations.

“As long as it comes, it’s living on its own, because it’s made the decision to abandon the country for my own safety and to have a lot of vehicles. to the Panorama Deportivo program of Radio Internacional.

The assistant assistant provides details of the collection and signal that is relevant to his family and his family.

“Miré la muerte.Bajaron el vidrio y sus occupantes me dijeron, ya pará esto basura y se fueron rapidamente, sentí la muerte, pero Dios me protegió en este moment,. . “, indicó.

Leiva does not obscure the pain that the product has to offer to its families and the inhabitants of the Honduran territory.

“For our own safety we can say no I lie where I go, I have to fight and I want to be wanted. Dejar esta carrera en mi país, pero todo cae por su propio peso. My han expuesto más de lo que ya staba, solo les digo que van a quedar marcados, tengan dignidad y renuncien, paren esto “.

At the end of the day, the line will invite guests to work together to denounce the acts of corruption.

“Invite to the arbitros that saben cosas y tienen pruebas, que paren esto. Hablen de frente, nuestra vida y la de mi famili peligra, me puse la mochila de valiente. “Armadas los han agarrado del cuello en los camerinos, solo han agachado la cabeza, ya basta”, dijo.


The denunciation of Omar Leiva is that people from one of the teams that are disputing the final of the Aperture 2013-2014 in Tocoa, Colón, that the player Real Sociedad vs. Real España, les ofrecieron 10 million dollars.

“I’m concentrating with my companions, I’m talking to my phone and the days: ‘Sisters, I’m disciplined, I can not accept these things, I’m just going to do my job, I’m professional. Geen los voy a aceptar, pero tampoco les voy a afectar ‘. Me dijeron: ‘ok, no quieres a tu familia’, y me cortaron la llamada. This is a graph”, Denunció el árbitro catracho.

“I agarré ese dinero le lunes que regressé, el que dejaron tirado, y fui a buscar a mi amigo que utilizaron y hablé con su papa y le conté: Me expuso y vengo a devolverle este dinero. Eran 10 million dollars, five miles for engineer Oscar Velásquez and five miles for me. Thank you to God for the Valentine’s Valentine’s day and to say that he would have fun after the final ”.

Leiva does not involve his remaining companions in the quarters that the party owns, which is led by Melvin Matamoros, principal, and Erick Andino, quarterback.
