Olympia’s Footballers Surprised by Marathon When Van Recover Medal – Diez

Olimpia alcanzó su kopa 32 y lo hizo derrotando en la final al Marathón (3-0 worldwide). The melenudo team summed up a new title on their grand palms. The lion was the best of Aperture 2020.

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The plant, technical team and assistants will be celebrated throughout the stadium Yankel Rosenthal tras el pitazo finale del árbitro Héctor Rodríguez.

Before receiving the cup, the champions will have a big gesture with the Marathon at the moment as the footballers of the Iban green team will retrieve the second medal, the Olympians players will applaud a pass.

Muy ejemplar lo de Olimpia showrando compañerismo con el rival, algunos de la plantilla del conjunto sampedrano pasaron llorando y fueron consolados.

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One detail of this moment was that the coach, Héctor Vargas, could not recover his medals from the sub-champion, the DT salió cold team lost the final against the merengues.
