Olympia travels with the illusion of surpassing America in the Aztecs and classifying it into the Champions League – Diez

10 hours after his triumph 3-0 ante Vida en La Ceiba, the plant of Olympia march del país con la illusion de dar la sorpresa el miercoles ante America In the Aztec Stadium and classify the quarters of League of Champions Concacaf.

The merengue jugadores play at the 5:20 of the airport airport Ramón Villeda Morales to take an airplane with destination to Miami, donde buscarán mitigar el tema de la altura.

The León realizes on its own stage the work of conditioning through the encounters before the cocoteros and pernoctará. The moonlight shines on the City of Mexico for the duo ante las Aguilas.

The merengues play 2-1 in the stadium at the National Stadium. Necesitan won 2-0 in the first half to advance directly to the quarters. The 2-1 is in favor of the penalty definition.

“We are well on our way to America. It’s clear that we can have a good result,” said Jerry Bengtson, a man who knows how to mark the Colossus of Santa Ursula.

Eddie Hernández is the only one for the world of octaves

Olympia travels with 24 players to face the world of final octaves against America. The one bay in the plantilla is the delantero Eddie Hernández, who recovers from a lesion.

The good news is that Pedro Troglio rhelp to fly Deiby Flores, quien fue baja en el juego de ida por la expulsion sufrida en el duelo ante Tigs of Orlando, Florida.

“The key to classification can be to make an intelligent party, well concentrated and correct the mistakes of the rival”, says Deiby before boarding the plane.

Can it be reconciled with the classification in the Aztecs? “To work with him, in the name of God we will seek”, he said.
