Olimpia Valencia, the first Galician Licensed in Medicine

Of the sites Nobel Prizes won by Spaniards, both of them are in Medicine. Santiago Ramón and Cajal in 1906 and Severo Ochoa in 1959 put the galardon in the house. Spain is and has a global potential in everything related to health, with great pioneers and professionals who changed history. But Medicine has always been a profession for men. The only women on the podium can be nursed or nursed, did you know that some valentines think that you can make it better or better than men. Following the steps of the Catalans Dolores Aleu Riera and Martina Castells Ballespí, first Licensed in Medicine of Spain, in 1928 April in Vigo a gynecology clinic governed by the first Galician licensed in Medicine: Olympia Valencia.

Martina Castells Ballespí. http://www.galeriametges.cat/

Olimpia Valencia López nation in the support of Baltar, in the Province of Ourense, December 14, 1898. He married a family that, in 1910, decided to leave the old age and move to Vigo in order for Olympia to receive the best training it could offer.

A time in Vigo, the best college of the city, before the era of the Olympics of Olympia ya que, segun sus propias palabras, allí tan solo le enseñaban a ser una señorita, nee a n learner cosas prácticas. If his parents decide to study, like many other women of that era, Magisterio.

Una joven Olimpia. http://vialethes.es

At the Academia Minerva, he completed his master’s studies, obtaining brilliant qualifications, but Olympia is willing to follow the path that society has traced to it and the plant to its parents that it wants to study Medicine. They accept his decision and, however, many others may seek to denounce it. with the argument that medicine is not a profession dedicated to a woman, our protagonist obtuvo the Title of Bachelor and registered at the Faculty of Medicine in Santiago. Corría el año 1919 y Olimpia tenía 21 años.

Faculty of Medicine of Santiago de Compostela (Wikipedia)

Entry into the university environment is not easy, although always with the support of his father that, during the first days, the accompaniment to the entrance as to the salvation of the classes, during the tenien who maintain the distance with his companions and in the tenien a designated bed only for her.

As any university, whether it’s superb courses, it’s known what matters the most agrarian and what the specialization tastes like. Decision if you want to be a neurologist, you should also be aware that a woman can treat men, a series of scandals, as in this occasion both his family and his professors the disuadieron and convencieron of which is dedicated to some area of ​​the medicine related to the women. Olympia opto por la Gynecology.

Licensed Review. http://culturagalega.gal

Licensed in 1925 with a brilliant academic expedition, honorary matriculation certificates and extraordinary premium, and transferred to Madrid to prepare the doctorate for the baton of Sebastián Recasens, gynecologist of the Queen Victoria Eugenia, President of the Society of Spanish Gynecologists and gynecologist of the aristocracy, including Alfonso XIII the daughter of the great cross of Isabel the Cat in 1915. Pero tuvo que regressar a Vigo en 1928 ya que sus padres no podían seguir costeando su estancia en la capital.

Sebastián Recaséns. https://www.bancodeimagenesmedicina.com

February 23, 1928 Olympic Olympia its general medicine and gynecology clinic in Calle Príncipe, convirtiéndose en la primera gallega en abrir una Consultina de Medicina, que dio a conocer con un plaque en la puerta que decía: ‘Olimpia Valencia. Specialist in women’s women ”.

Announcement of the clinic in the press. https://theconversation.com

His comrades in the profession do not have to worry about difficulties. His colleagues were reminded of her and her patients were “rare” that one had to wait for them, but, little by little, step by step, the reconciliation takes place, thanks to his professionalism he is known for all the latest research and medical advances needed to acquire his profession.

Interview at the clinic in 1930. http://vialethes.es

On more than one occasion, when some patient was treated by the doctor and contestant she was, tuvo que enseñarles el titulo, y aun asi les costaba salir de su asombro. And while living in a world of prejudices, defending his thesis, converting to Doctor of Medicine in 1930.

Interview at the clinic in 1930. https://www.lavozdegalicia.es

In February 1937 he was detained, accused of belonging to the Galician Party and of being treated with Izquierdistas. Fue puesta in libertad in less than one week, pere this episode provoked that many patients dejaran from ir to his consultation.

In the decade of 1940 entered into Social Security and in its 60th anniversary, although he did not take time off at his private clinic until he had completed 82 years. Finally bankruptcy in Vigo in July of 1987.

Olimpia. https://mulleresourensas.blogspot.com

During this time, his figure was lifted, but in the last years have received various reconciliations. In the case where you have your clinic in the Principality of Vigo hay dos placas en su memoria, y en la parroquia viguesa de Oia, una calle lleva su nombre. In the year 2017 fue nombrada hija predilecta de su pueblo, Baltar, y la Universidad de Vigo inauguró a new edition at the Center for Biomedical Investigations as built with its name. In 2020, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Santiago de Compostela will also build the library of the center with the number of Olympia Valencia.

Commemorative places in the clinic’s edition. https://mujeresconciencia.com

Olimpia Valencia López was destroying the prejudices with hard work and hard work, and his prestige was rising, abriendo the difficult truck to the igualdad. A pioneer, a valiant, an accomplice to his time, medicine, investigator and woman to exemplify, who does not care about the olvido and who happens to form part of our Histories of History.

Olimpia Valencia López. https://www.ievigueses.com

Histories of History …

Ivan Fernandez Amil. Top Inspira LinkedIn. Storyteller. Jefe de Compras.




  • FUENTES, A. Ocho decades of history from the islands of a pioneer. Instituto de Estudios Vigueses, 2019
  • es.wikipedia.org
  • lavozdegalicia.es
  • elcorreogallego.es
  • farodevigo.es
  • galiciaconfidencial.com
  • diariodeunmedicodeguardia.blogspot.com
  • laregion.es
  • infobae.com
  • mujeresonciencia.com
  • mulleresourensanas.blogspot.com
  • culturagalega.gal
  • vialethe.es
  • eldiario.es