“Ojalá y los Cremas te valoren” – Guatefutbol.com

THE PROGRESS. The Alcalde de Guastatoya was defeated by the Colombian José Corena.

Guastatoya’s Alcalde, Jorge Orellana, thanked the Colombian José Corena for joining Pecho Amarillo’s team during this time, as it was a fundamental piece to launch the untouched titles.

Thanks to all Crack, the gates of this club are open. Ojalá that the creams are valoren sos a large person inside and fur of the cancha COLOCHO. Thank you Champion for being good.

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Corena played 128 games with Deportivo Guastatoya, and totaled 10,634 minutes in which he scored 14 goals, the last match against Municipal in the Final of Ida del Apertura 2020.

The Colombian is the first team of the Guastatoyano team and will be presented at the next hours by Communications, team with the advanced plastic team.

This is the publication of the album Jorge Orellana:

Fuchibola 270 × 600 movements

Comment this note and talk to his friends. Thank you.
