Ojalá sea el bueno! Aislinn Derbez found love in his personal trainer

Feliz de la vida y como quinceañera enamorada se encuentra Aislinn Derbez, of 34, then we enter that it is training romance just to have a year of having separated from the actor Mauricio Ochmann, of 43.

We meet with a friend of the actress and our account that el afortunado galán es Jonathan Kubben, of 32, a reconnaissance influencer of travel and motivational conference, who represents a big support for Aislinn through his stay with Mauricio.

Además, our account that all The Derbez family is very happy with this relationship and that Aislinn presented to Jonathan with his best friends. This is what we shared:

-Platicans, are you sure Aislinn is having a romantic relationship?

“Asi es, la verdad es que no established looking for a relationship like number, pera la vida la sorprendió de la mejer manera y está feliz, tan enamorada com un un quinceañera, defrutando de este romance que apenas inicia ”.

-Are you referring to the fact that todavia does not want a relationship?

‘Es que dsince it is separated from Mauricio, it will take a while if they have a reconciliation, but the reality is that they are not intended as a couple, although their excellent fathers and they are very good. Finally, Aislinn decided to open the door to love and, for what we see, everything is marvelous ”.

aislinn derbez kailani mauricio ochmann

-Dinos, who is the gallant?

‘Se lama Jonathan Kubben, 32 years old and Mexican, but many have lived in Los Angeles because of their motivational conferences. Además, has a travel account on Instagram, since 27 years dedicated to conquering the world, learning and finding peace. It’s very much Aislinn’s style, very zen and related ”.

-¿Cómo se conocieron?

“As we live in Los Angeles, if you know many years ago by friends in common; without embarrassment, apenas has one months retomaron the contact and be volvieron supercercanos ”.

-How to reconcile?

“What happens is that he was killed by Maurice, Aislinn does not support emotional, entonces, search for Jonathan because motivational conferences and thought that the powder can help to get ahead with this process of separation and divorce. With time being more friendly, you will have a special connection and you will know that there are many things in common ”.

Aislinn derbez nuevo novio tvnotas

-Yes you like the flechazo?

“Exactly, the search and the communication empezaron a fluir de manera natural, Aislinn is empezó a dar cuenta del hombre, no del amigo que la staba apoyando; entonces, poco a poco se fueron cayendo mejor y de pronto descubrieron que se gustaban ”.

-Quién dio el primer paso?

“I invite you to salute in February passed and lie siguieron saliendo para conocerse en lig de plan en de pareja, and since then it has not been separated. Including, one of the days we went to Tulum to celebrate Aislinn’s companions, he made his first trip as a newcomer ”.

-¿Sabes come the fue?

“If the bomb goes off, even if it’s not a solo fight, then Aislinn would like to celebrate with some of her friends, like Marimar Vega, who also has one with his new novel, Jerónimo Rodríguez, and Martha Higareda. All of them were five days old and, if anything, they were superheroes ”.

Aislinn derbez nuevo novio tvnotas

-Entones, is for presentation with friends, is that coming in popa …

“We will see you, we will Aislinn is very content, in peace and quiet. Although the query was a little bit to the point of not clapping so fast, the things Jonathan had in such a fluid way that he was more assured that he was clawing. Includes the need to have a joint project ”.

-¿De verdad? What type of project?

“Like the comment, both his very zen, entones, during the journey to Tulum salio the idea of ​​setting up a school of spirituality where Aislinn will be Jonathan’s company; de hecho, ya hasta él lo compartió y toda la cosa ”.

-Entonces, además de encontrar el amor, ya tiene socio para emprender …

Así es (ríe), stán fluyendo and Creando muchas cosas juntos ”.

-¿Jonathan got married to Aislinn’s wife?

“Yes, because I know that la niña is the most important which has Aislinn alive ”.

Aislinn derbez nuevo novio tvnotas

-¿Y la Derbez family do you know about this new romance?

‘Sí, también conocen a Jonathan desde hace años y siempre les ha caído muy bien. When Aislinn empezó a salir con él, la primera en hablar con ella fue Alessandra, who wanted her big friend and trust, and the one who does not want to take the opportunity to commit adultery ”.

-Y Eugenio, ¿Qué le dijo?

“Even though it is do not meet in these roles ni in the decisions of his hijos, always the support of the day, for that much money goes to his wife happy with his new romance ”.

-Qué dicen sus hermanos Vadhir y José Eduardo?

“They were incredible with Jonathan and included his speech in his speeches.”

Aislinn derbez nuevo novio tvnotas

-So what good is that todo va tan bien y que disfrute su amor …

“Así es, veo muy contenta a mi amiga, está gozando y viviendo su día a día, se est dejand querer y permission; ojalá que todo prospere ”, concluded.
