of the food pyramid at Harvard Plateau

The classic food pyramid, which many people have in mind when thinking of a healthy diet, has definitely gone down in history. The latest investigations into the matter of nutrition and health he gave place to the consolidation of the llamado Plato Saluable (Healthy eating board), designed by Harvard School of Public Health at Harvard University, “a guide to creating comedies saludables and balanced, it is served on a plate or packed to be served on the eve of death ”, said the creators of this new bible of creation created in 2011 that little by little has been consolidating all over the world.

“Harvard’s Salutable Plateau descends on the food pyramid for various reasons. The principal is that while the pyramid is established cereals como dietary basis, the Plato signal that the main contribution of the day to the day, up to 50%, must proceed from fruits, vegetables and herbs”, Según Lina Robles, nutritionist at Sanitar La Zarzuela University Hospital, in Madrid. The expert adds that, in addition, “the ones that establish the plateau of Harvard hacen que comer sea más divertido, pues permiten crear platos variados, con todos los nutrientes y para todos los gustos y neecesidades ”. Además, is also an interesting model if it is designed lose weight, by the end of very restrictive diets of those based on calories and lean foods, which is “from the moment the vegetables and fruits are the basis of the diet it is difficult to lose weight progressively, which is how you need to lose weight, between them 500 and 800 grams semanale”, Summarized Robles.

The Harvard Platform signals that the main contribution of the day to the day, up to 50%, must be due to fruits, vegetables and herbs “

Lina RoblesNutritionist at the University Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela

With the help of the nutritionist, we will analyze some of the nutritional benefits that establish the Plato Saluable, if there is a lot of consumer freedom to design the gaps, establish a determined amount of each group of foods and some can be added to fat or forbidden foods.

Cereals, always integral

El Plato Saluable establish that you have one 25% of the plateau must be composted by whole grains y aconseja limit refined grains. “Integral fiber-containing cereals, regulate the absorption of sugar and are most digestible, also ideal for diabetic patients”, Señala Robles. For this, one of the main problems of the classical pyramid is that “I recommend taking a very high level of cereals, as well as in the Mayor of Cases, salvo to persons who practice much deportation, so that one has to peso increment”.

El Plato Saludable finds itself, says Robles, in this happy term in which they carbohydrates cerentes de los cereales se deben tomar a diario, en poca cantidad y en su Integral version and salueerbaar (although not for those low calorie): it is decided, between the excess that establishes the pyramid and the absolute limitation that prescribes much protein diets. “Eliminate completely the hydrocarbons tampoco is acceptable, pues nos aportan energia y, for my own experience in consultation, the patients the fatal step: including sueñan con ellos y cuando al fin se permiten consumirlos suelen darse atrakone”, Indica la nutricionista.

Harvard Plate

Harvard Plate

Harvard University

For this, there is nothing that includes a small portion in each yeast (also in the tooth) for those who feel sick, like varied and balanced and do not lie with a rabbit hambre on the next comedy. For his part, nutrition coach Susana León recalls that “it is not necessary to take part in the letter Plato Saludable and design each comedy on a reasonable basis: only with these food quantities get back on track”.

Limit red corn and eliminate the process

Other 25% of the plateau debe ser, segun los expertos de Harvard, protein. “It is necessary to proceed with all fish, fish, carnes blancas, legumes y dried fruits”, Señala Robles. The Plato indicates that deben limits (does not specify what is meant by limit) the red carne y el queso, and completely avoid the processed books and embutidos. The pyramid, for its part, is located in the same group as the red carnations and processes such as foods of “optional, occasional and moderate consumption”, while the ave carnes institute in the group of los lactose, fishes, dried fruits and semillas as foods of “varied daily consumption”.

Some Harvard experts

A 25% plateau must be protein-rich in eggs, fish, peulvruchten, white carnations and dried fruits

El Plato Saludable reflects, in this sense, the ultimate investigations into nutritional material, which incidence in the need to consume protein in each comedy to maintain in good standing the mass muscular, a fundamental health indicator. Hecho, following a study published in Annals of medicine “Muscle mass should be seen as a new vital sign, in the way that health professionals identify and treat both muscle mass can significantly increase the health of their patients.” The studio added that a mass of muscle could increase the risk of Surgical complications y post-surgeries, giving place to a peor quality of life and peors bags of survival.

For this reason, “it is fundamental to be clear that we should not eat protein alone in any way, so we also treat them tentacles”, Explains the medical and nutritionist Núria Monfulleda, from the center Love yourself, of Barcelona. In this sense, the specialist recommends potentiating the consumption of carnes magras y horses, is the ultimate, according to her, the superiority of excellence. “The protein present in the egg contains all the amino acids essences, and if we are tenemos in account that a median egg brings one 80 calories, we have a versatile, moderately caloric and very nutritious diet to include in our day to day ”.

Eggs passed by water

Eggs passed by water

Getty Images / iStockphoto

Figs and el color

Fruits, herbs and herbs should be the basis of the diet following the Plato Saludable, that which maintains the main difference with the pyramid, that the colocaba in the second place lies through the cereals. The experts of Harvard recommend that vegetales deben cubrir siempre un 50% of the intestine, recuerdan que las potatoes is not included in this apartment and is limited to prescribe that amount more varied sean las frutas y verduras que consumimos, mejor. “El Plato Saludable insta to combine fruits and vegetables of different colors, the best way to insure everyone while wearing them nutrients that we need our organism, ”Robles said.

The grasses, always olives of olive oil

Explain rubles, in addition, that the fat de la dieta “deben ser de origin plant, which means that it has to limit the consumption of animal grasses, such as meat and margarine ”. Here is the indication that the Plato Saludable, which signals that the grass of election to cook or align should be the olive oil o colza, which should limit the consumption of mantequilla and avoid the grasas trans offers and numerosos alimentos ultraprocesados.

The ultraprocessors, as signaled by Harvard’s Healthy Plateau, should be banned from a healthy diet and should eliminate the imaginary water that has the phrase ‘hay que comer de todo con moderation’ “

Susana LeónCoach nutrition

Add to the ultraprocessed

One of the most controversial aspects of the pyramid classic of nutrition, which has been in the field of juicing repeatedly on the part of modern nutrition, is that dulces, bollard, oily grasses and snacks salads between the foods of “optional, occasional and moderate consumption”. The ambiguity of these terms “has so many people are very comfortable to consume ultraprocessed and, at the moment, it’s very complicated for those who eliminate it from day to day, ”said Robles. For example, “the ultraprocessed, as signaled by the Salute Plato of Harvard, deberían estar prohibidos on a healthy diet and should eliminate the imaginary water that has the old phrase ‘hay que comer de todo con moderation’, because it is true that it has some foods that we do not need to consume anything if we want to have a healthy diet, not to mention it ”, sentence, for its part, Leon.

Olive aceite

E Plato Saludable also signals that the grass of choice to cook or align should be the olive oil or colza

Getty Images

Y de beber, agua

While the food pyramid colloquia the fermented babies between the foods of “optional, occupational and moderate consumption”, the Plato Saludable is much more expeditious. Señala que las bebidas who needs to consume his only water, tea or coffee, limiting the leche and the lactose has one of the two diary portions and the zumo has a small vase on it. The Harvard experts recommend, in addition, avoid sugar beets.

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