of Colombia without English and at NASA in March

(CNN Español) – When NASA’s Perseverance vehicle takes its juveniles to the Martian surface, it will only have a special hit that will also complete the flight of a Colombian. Diana Trujillo’s headband is only in the United States with 17 years, without English words, 300 dollars in the ball, and a clear objective goal: do not die of hambre.

Hoy is an integral part of the team that designed and examined the robotic robot and the instruments of the explorer of the special agency agency, called Pixl and Sherloc, which forms part of the March 2020 mission.

Guillermo Arduino the interviewer did some seminars on his paper on the mission and his inspiring story of effort and personal supervision.

Guillermo Arduino: Diana Trujillo is the target and is part of the March 2020 exploration. Does his paper have anything to do with Perseverance, which is the robot, what is it that he has to do that he is just a marketer?

Diana Trujillo Well, the objective of the Perseverance mission is to be found at any given moment in the surface of March in the past. Let’s go to a place called Jezero Crater. In this crater we will make investigations because it has arcilla in this place where we know that it has water, we can see if it has the possibility or the necessary tracks to demonstrate that live. If we find this, we will also do the investigation into what is likely to happen in March and in the Middle East. So we have a very interesting question to contest.

Guillermo Arduino: When dice come to life can be microbes, because the existence of water is confirmed, ¿no?

Diana Trujillo: The existence of water is confirmed. The type of life that is hablando is the microbial life. Exactly.

Guillermo Arduino: Super interesting. También llevan un helicóptero: Vindingrykheid. What happened to Vernuf? While you can transport, there is much more and you can independently use solar energy in other parts of March.

Diana Trujillo: Sí, Ingenuidad o Ingenuity is the helicopter that we live with Perseverance and the idea is that it is a helicopter that runs for 90 seconds, sube vertically, takes photos and runs and goes; transmit the photos to the robot cerebrum and we should know what was going on, and in addition to this, the battery has and other capabilities can make communication. But the intention is to demonstrate that we have the ability to fly on another planet.

6 things to do to get rid of Marte’s helicopter helicopter 1:38

Guillermo Arduino: And inside all this great expedition, what is your job?

Diana Trujillo: I work with the group that designed and examined the robotic brazier and the instruments known as Pixl and Sherloc. These are the tools we used to demonstrate and find life in Marte’s surface. If my group has what it takes to show off the instrument, do all the research with the instrument and turn over the information.

NASA astronauts explain our mission to Mars 3:12

Llegó a Estados Unidos sin saber inglés

Guillermo Arduino: ¿How would you go, how would you go about playing a game of Cali, decided to study engineering at United States and go to NASA?

Diana Trujillo: Sí. It’s like a dream come true: it’s a nightmare that never happens, but it does not happen. I went to the United States when I was 17 years old. I did not speak English and ended up looking for the form to learn the idiom, I could pay the university and possibly study something that was related to the people I saw working at NASA. I work with a program to make a cargo ride to the Espacial Estación, after Curiosity and by March 2020 I was not able to believe it when I started to think that I had nothing to do with it or language.

Guillermo Arduino: ¿Y llegaste sola o llegaste con alguien?

Diana Trujillo: Good, I read in the United States only, and I think I’m focused on what I want to do and how to do it.

Guillermo Arduino: ¿Tus padres, a qué se dedicaban oa qué se dedican?

Diana Trujillo: My mother lives with me now and my father lives in Colombia, I am a counter and my mother is with us here.

Violence in Colombia the level to mirror the stars

Guillermo Arduino: Do ​​you think that the special engineering or scientific engineering profile is expensive?

Diana Trujillo: Bueno, mira, para viene del hecho de que viviendo en Colombia in los 80, donde había mucha violencia, mirando al espacio y mirando al cielo, es algo que le da a uno paz, Independientemente de donde tú estes. You are the one in the floor, the stars and the company of stars. It’s simply spectacular and passive, and you’ve not seen the rays of the golpe endose one with the other. If ever I asked myself how it works, how can we coexist with the stars, the planets and not create chaos? And from here you can see what I mean for you.

Guillermo Arduino: What was the moment when he asked if he wanted to work at NASA?

Diana Trujillo: Know that there is no exact moment in what you are talking about: it is NASA. For me it was more like: the place where it is. Find out that you want to make space, and that you can count on it, to know that it is NASA, this is the only place where it is clear to me that you want what you want. NASA in general, as you know, will be exploring, not trying to win anything or going to battle on another planet or anything. It’s hecho that we’re exploring as human beings, and it’s an idea that is simply to learn, it’s what I think I think of NASA.

Guillermo Arduino: Y llegaste a Estados Unidos, con 17 años. With a plate in the ball?

Diana Trujillo: Only ten dollars in the ballroom. It’s all there is to it.

Guillermo Arduino: And with the 300 that can be done at the moment?

Diana Trujillo: Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly. Ag, pero nee, nee .. O see, practically nothing. My tocó ir immediately to look for a job.

Guillermo Arduino: In what city?

Diana Trujillo: Miami.

Guillermo Arduino: Llegaste to Miami with 300 dollars in el bolsillo. Empezaste a trabajar. From the principle, from the principle that in reality … because I passed. ¿Viniste with contract and visa or how was your case?

Diana Trujillo: No, my case is different. And he’s digo a thing: if he hubiese came here in first class, with all due to hubiese hecho lo est est haciendo. My job requires that I take care of everything that I have not done, that I have not passed, that I have not taken care of myself, that I have not seen him. Empezar de la nada. Empezar de no tener ni siquiera the idea of ​​como hacerlo and buskar la forma, es lo que hizo la forma en la que yo piense, y como veo los problemas, encaja perfectly with the tenemos que hacer. Well, the times we are in operations and do not algo with the robot, and we have to meet, and the question is: ¿alguien ha visto esto? Well, at least I did not go down without explaining myself first and foremost because I’ve been through this problem for some time now.

Guillermo Arduino: When do you read United States Entries and Attractors in Miami, what is your goal?

Diana Trujillo: When I went to the United States my goal was to help my mother. If you say the world, the first objective was not to grow hungry. It’s so tenia yo very clear in the cabeza that what tenia that sobrevivir, tenia that is sure that tenia donde vivir and donde comer, because no tenia ni idea in esas basasas todavía that iban to pass and work, learn the language and ayudar a mamá. That’s all there is to it in the closet. After that, I was very comfortable with the university, learning English. I do not know that tenia tan buenas notes and the professors fueron los me jijeron que tenia that apply and see other things and mirar si me ponía hacher algo con mi vida. I passed the time in the mathematics department because it was difficult to learn English and I felt I had to help him enter, and if he had any math questions, he did not need to speak any language, simply the number. Pero ahí fue donde me di cuenta de lo que me gusta.

Guillermo Arduino: La timidez no es una de tus características, entons.

Diana Trujillo: Nee, la verdad, la verdad, yo creo que lo superé.

Guillermo Arduino: But it’s very good …

Diana Trujillo: Jajaja.

Guillermo Arduino: Claro, because you helped to see who you are.

Diana Trujillo: Sí, pero ¿sabes qué es interesting de la pregunta y por qué hace reír? I’m thinking I’m going to take the time to tell you that I’m high. I’m a persona time and enfrantar eso and darme cuente de que eso me staba haciendo más problemas en vez ayudarme fue que me ayudó a superarlo.

Guillermo Arduino. Además creciste sola y de golpe. When will miras to come to see: the ancient days of coming to the United States, to the ten years old, will you go to this Diana? How do you do it?

Diana Trujillo: Well, when I came back I did not agree, I was asked. It’s more hopeful to pay the time to mount the plane. Nee, nee lo vi como me voy a ir, todo se quedó atrás. It was the opposite. Era: algo viene y yo me tengo que alistar. As far as we are concerned.

Guillermo Arduino: How did you see Diana in the future? Do you think so?

Diana Trujillo: Well, the first thing to do is stay in the room, in the room, when we find out that he lives in the area of ​​March. Nee my lo quiero perder. But I think there are many other projects that you are interested in. I would like to be able to work with the astronauts in order to go to the special station and probably when he goes to March or the First Moon. And when it’s done, we’re also working with the organization that is in the Brooke Owens Fellowship, which is an organization to help women to meet the companies of the space that exist in the university.

Guillermo Arduino: We also have a compromise with social responsibility and this requires generosity and no selfishness. This conversation will be inspired by others, for example, for example, Colombia, Argentina or Chile.

Diana Trujillo: Yes, absolutely. I think that in times, in times when there is not much to be said, there is much to be said in that the human being is high in many things and is high in whom I live well in work, but in whom I love and love. to be well in my family and dear and dear and dear, dear and dear. Everything can be done. It will simply manage the time.

Guillermo Arduino: And finally the part in personal life: are victims really important in their staff to concretize these professional logos or, do they have a balance, a balance?

Diana Trujillo: I like very much what you ask because I am very proud of what I thought when I contested the previous one and it is clear that there is a balance, there is a balance between what all the things that I want to do, what I want to distribute, how much tiempo le voy a dedicar. I’m a person who does not like me, when I say good-bye, it’s the women can not do it all. And so, so it’s not, I can do it all at the same time, but I can do it all, and that’s what it’s about. My mother lives with us, she is related to us and she helps us. Perfect. Well, here it is, here is the most important answer for those who want to apologize or make an apology for not giving up. Diana’s case is very clear and balanced between the professional and the personal. We’m holding a meeting in minutes, so we’m going to. Diana Trujillo of NASA. Thank you very much, please thank you. I love charla, I am very inspiring and I can talk about the specifics of this mission and your participation in it. Thank you very much.
