Oddworld: Soulstorm – Epic Games Store Spring Showcase trailer

Oddworld: Soulstorm

Oddworld Inhabitants has released a new trailer for Oddworld: Soulstorm during the Epic Games Store Spring Showcase.

Here is an overview of the game via Oddworld Residents:


Oddworld: Soulstorm is the second game in a quintology. We met our reluctant hero, Abe the Mudokon, for the first time Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty.

Abe was born into a system that moved its species down the food chain. He and others slept quietly at RuptureFarms, the world’s largest meat processing plant run by Molluck the Glukkon (part of the Magog cartel). That changed in an instant after he accidentally heard a sinister plan to increase profits at RuptureFarms by turning Mudokons into food.

Abe, like all of us, after hearing we are going to be eaten, tries to escape quietly, but along the way something inside him wakes up. He just can not leave his fellow Mudokons behind. His actions create a spark that ignites a movement and perhaps a revolution.

Oddworld: Soulstorm continues Abe’s evolutionary story. You will learn that revolutions start small, but real and lasting change requires the power of many and the power of hope. And that opposing forces will use all means at their disposal, from propaganda to brute force, to repel even the smallest uprising.

Key features

  • Action Adventure Platform – Develop the platform genre by adding RPG lite elements to the player agency to play as they please, whether aggressive or passive.
  • Narration – A dark storyline with a twisted sense of humor that shines the irony that exists in the human condition.
  • 2.9D – Large-scale epic environments to explore by entering the world, rather than being confined to the traditional sense-platform-sense.
  • Quarma (think Karma) – Quarma is a real-time feedback feature that reflects your in-game performance and will influence Abe, his followers, his abilities, and your score throughout the game.
  • Scavenger’s Economy – Pickpocket enemies, outdoor cabinets, sift through trash cans to obtain resources. Swap it at vending machines to get products that give you more attention to the way you have chosen to overcome the game’s many challenges.
  • Crafts – Use remote resources and sales products to manufacture products to use as weapons or tools against characters and obstacles.
  • Strength in numbers – The more followers you save, the stronger the revolt. Gift-made items to followers. You have to decide if they will be aggressive or passive.
  • Games – A 2.9D action adventure platform. The expected first time play-through is estimated at 15 hours. Performance hunters and perfectionists can easily play for tens of hours.
  • Rankings – All levels have a system, rankings, achievements and badges.

Oddworld: Soulstorm should be available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC this spring via the Epic Games Store.

Check out the footage below.

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