Ocho muertos fue el balanc de un enfrentamiento en Caborca

Caborca, Sonora. – A force enfrentamiento registered the night of ayer domingo habría given a balance of ocher deaths, civilians, and a military in Caborca, Sonora.

Agree with local media el enfrentamiento the crime in the mediations of the Cerro Cañedo, in the aftermath of the desert desert, the act of violence that was protagonized by authorities and an armed group.

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No authority has been confirmed regarding the intent balacera, also the death number. No han emitido comunicado officially.

Read more: Arrest for four young people for selling marijuana brownies at social events in Sonora

In the zone where the register enfrentamiento find paramilitar-type uniforms, heavy caliber arms and communication devices.

Three high-level violations of the three levels will carry out an operation to locate and deliver the bodies, none of which have been identified.

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