Ocasio-Cortez reprimands Republicans for wanting to discredit her riot report

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez Omar beats GOP ‘whitewash’, false equality with Greene Progressives target Manchin, Cinema’s ‘saddened’ by new PAC Chip Roy over Ocasio-Cortez’s experience of sexual assault, but is still determined to apologize MORE (DN.Y.) criticizes Republicans who she says are trying to discredit her over her report on the mob attack on the Capitol last month.

Ocasio-Cortez calls the criticism in a general tweet that an article claiming she was not in the Capitol that day was ‘the latest manipulative right’.

She also has the freshman GOP Rep. Nancy MaceNancy MaceHouse Republicans get ready for conference meeting amid party civil war conservatives, we can not return to the party of ‘no’ under Biden Cheney tests Trump’s grip on GOP post-presidency MORE (SC), who apparently questioned Ocasio-Cortez’s story by tweeting that her office is ‘two doors down’ from the New York Democrat’s office and ‘no insurgents stormed our corridor.’

Ocasio-Cortez described Mace’s tweet as ‘deeply cynical’ and ‘disgusting’, noting that none of us have been compromised in any area at the moment.

She pointed to Mace’s previous comments to the state, which reported that she “locked herself in her DC office” and slept through the night in her office due to security issues.

“That was what you said just a few weeks ago,” the New York Democrat tweeted. ‘Now you’re contradicting your own account to attack me for Fox News clicks. It’s honestly pretty sad to see you turn around like that and throw other people under the bus. Thought you would be better. ”

Ocasio-Cortez publicly recounted her experience of the January 6 siege on Monday, saying she feared for her life as she hid in the bathroom after banging on her office doors and someone breaking in and shouting, “Where is she?”

Later in her story, she reveals that the person who entered her office and shouted was a Capitol police officer, who she said looked at her with ‘anger and hostility’.

Critics scrutinized portions of her report, also saying she was not in danger because rioters were primarily intent on entering the Capitol building and not the surrounding office buildings. Others criticized her remarks about the police officer.

Ocasio-Cortez is frequently used as a punching bag for conservative media and by GOP colleagues, who may themselves draw attention to attacks on the Democrat.

Ocasio-Cortez’s office is in the Cannon Building, which is connected to the Capitol by underground tunnels. Prior to the offense, the building was ordered to be evacuated after a suspicious package was found in the area.

The entire area of ​​Capitol Hill was considered a dangerous place on January 6 after the mob attack, although the threat to Ocasio-Cortez is likely to be much greater than to the average legislator, given her fame.

Ocasio-Cortez said her critics “manipulate the fact that most people do not know the layout” of the Capitol complex, noting “the attack was not just on the dome.”

“People were trying to rush and infiltrate our office buildings – that’s why we had to be evacuated in the first place,” she tweeted. “The efforts of attackers and publicly available communications show how they tried to gain access and share location information to find members for physical harm.”

“It is also very condemning and revealing that the IDP is now digging both heels into a discrediting campaign,” she continued in her Twitter thread. “It’s because they know they’re being implicated, and so they turn (again) to the classic abuse playbook of ‘it’s not as bad as they say’.”

“It was so bad,” she concluded. “It’s actually worse.”

Ocasio-Cortez went live on Instagram on Monday to discuss her report of the attack. She revealed during her speech that she is a survivor of sexual assault and accuses lawmakers who urged people to ‘continue’ from the raid to use ‘the tactics used by abusers’.

During the siege of the Capitol, Ocasio-Cortez said she was originally in her office before fleeing and Rep. Katie Porter (D-California) ran into them while they were hiding in her office. Porter’s account of January 6, which she shared on MSNBC, supports Ocasio-Cortez’s story.

Five people were killed in the January 6 riot, including one Capitol police officer. A number of other officers were beaten by people in the crowd, according to a number of videos showing the attacks.
