Ocarina or Time demo leak reveals that Link could once change to Navi • Eurogamer.net

An amazing demo build of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time revealed new details about early ideas for Nintendo’s N64 masterpiece – such as Link that could change its name to Navi.

The demo in question was found on an old N64 development cartridge used to hold the Nintendo racer F-Zero X. Upon closer inspection, files related to a 1997 Zelda demo were also found.

Details are now excited by the Forest of illusion Twitter account, dedicated to preserving lost pieces of Nintendo history. There is a lot to see.

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First, a series of magical magic medals that provide eye-opening effects, such as the Soul Medallion with which Link ‘becomes Navi and flies around’.

Other medals allow Link to fire light arrow-like attacks or hide in a dark cloak to avoid enemies. Another medal makes Link cringe when he is in danger, while two more make him create fire and put out the fire.

Here are details on how Link would turn into Navi via the Soul Medallion:

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There is a whole other world map for Hyrule:

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A much more basic version of Kakariko Village:

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An early version of the archery test where you drive on Epona:

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And Link’s Pegasus Boots would also have made an appearance:

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Fans even translated some of the text found in the game, suggesting that early versions of Ocarina’s plot would have played quite differently.

The Deku Tree, for example, would be a prison for the fairies of the game – including Navi – who would then free Link.

We’re keeping our eyes peeled for more of the leak, though fans examining the files have warned that the ROM is only partially complete. Presumably, this early construction was not intended for public eyes, and therefore the cartridge was then used again to store F-Zero.
