NYC Vacation Schedule: Intermediate Dose for NYPD Home and Effective Health Workers

Mentras los casov de COVID-19 en la Gran Manzana corren a gran velocidad on a high-speed train, the continuous evacuation plan is mounted on a truck that these young people are forced to take off when City Health Authorities dieron luz verde para que workers who care for the sick and the elderly at home, in addition to officials of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and correctional centers, sean intermediates incorporated to the munitions program.

El Alcalde Bill de Blasio, assurur que también impulsa que los 75 year old neoyorquinos and all essential workers, including masters, are added to this first phase of evacuation, reserved in the protocols for personal high risk hospital system and senior citizens.

“We need the freedom to evacuate because of this flexibility, we can read a lot more people“, Dijo el Alcalde who insists on the meta of one million munitions before the 31st of January.

The municipal mandatory confirmation that it obtains the authorization to incorporate the first stage into a category of high priority persons, such as the Home Assistant Workers and effects of the Uniform que atienden llamadas de emergence to 911.

Calculate agreement with the last records that exist in New York City 202,000 homeowners, of the most important parts 70% are from Hispanic and African American minorities.

“It’s a big step. I would like to meet more people who are doing a critical job for our families. In favor of immediate vaccination”, Puntualizó De Blasio.

From this week week, around 25,000 persons of NYPD I choose to be inoculated with the new pharmacy. The City calculates that approximately 10,000 officials estén ya immunized for the nearest domingo.

Let’s go to the major adults!

Agreed with the dates of the Department of Health of the City (DOHMH) during the last 30 days are alarming trends with cases and hospitalizations in major adults of 75 years. 58% of the bankruptcies during this time period belongs to this group that must show a 12% positive rate of infection.

“For this reason we agree that the neoriorquinos of 75 years or more must be elected to the vacancy the antiquities. Various states have given priority to this theme. Como Ciudad, estamos increasing our points of access to the doses, even if it is possible to increase our response if we are authorized ”, said Dr. Dave Chokshi commissioned by DOHMH.

Líderes electos des elto Manhattan exigieron cambiar la route de vacunacion. (Photo: F. Martínez)

Electrical conductors conducive to the plane

Precisely the controversies generated by the “length” of the evacuation scheme, New York City Election Leaders these markets are planted by the authorities of Health of the State and the City for which apuren la marcha y cambien la hoja de ruta according to the groups that need to be able to immunize as soon as this week.

“Home care workers in the past, employees of the supermarkets, the ‘deliveries’, the work of the city transport system, The 75-year-old neo-Yorkers and the residents of the nursing homes with the most punctual postal codes for the pandemic, whose casuals are the most powerful, must be among the first on the list, Brooklyn Condo President at a demonstration in front of a NYC Health + Hospitals testing center in Inwood.

The solicitation that was signed by the presidents of all the condolences of the New York City, a group of assemblies and councilors and the Defender of the People, underlined that the evacuation process is underway through a bureaucratic gap between the Government and the Alcaldia, the communities say “the economy is supreme and emotionally the virus has spread”.

The electoral leaflets condensed that Gran Manzana had received three weeks ago 340,000 doses of new drug and until the last monkey he injected a 110,000 neoyorquinos.

“The 9% escalation rate and the deadly deaths will continue, while we will have a slow and impressive evacuation program. We are not responsible for the health authorities a clearer action guide and that incorporates intermediates into other groups of neo-Yorkers also exhibiting COVID-19 ”, said Gale Brewer, president of manhattan county.

Eleazar Bueno de la Junta Comunitaria 12 del Alto Manhattan claims “emergency dose” for the most vulnerable. (Photo: F. Martínez)

Mirada a los vecindarios pobres

Formerly, Councilor Ydanis Rodríguez calls it an important advance that domestic workers who offer services to seniors and nurses can, in short, be part of this immunization process, but consider that they have “Dar otros saltos” ‘n guns de los vecindarios más castigados por la pandemia.

We will be concentrating on the postal areas corresponding to the poorest locations around the Mayor Latinos, African Americans and Asians, as soon as it becomes possible to expand the plan of proof that there is no law in the first instance, ”the Dominican politician said.

Between so much, the quisqueyano Eleazar Bueno, president of the junta comunitaria 12 of Alto Manhattan, aboga para that the authorities of Salud use the dates of the postal codes that from the 10032 hasta el 10040, belong to Washington Heights – Inwood, and do not register the mayor’s number of victims and contacts to establish munitions priorities.

“Here is the virus that stings. We will be in the priority if it really wants to freeze the pandemic and recover the economy, ”argued the community leader.

Pasos in NYC:

  • 25 access points, which will reduce communication clinics, emergency + Health and Hospital emergency points and DOHMH emerging clinics will incorporate this week into the Gran Manzana immunization strategy.
  • 100,000 vaccines is the meta that traced the City this week.

How long have you been to evacuate?

For more detailed information about the phases, quotes and dudas about the New York City Vacation Plan Consultant:
