NVIDIA’s delay-reducing technology joins ‘Overwatch’

If you play Ear Watch on a computer, chances are you have disabled settings such as v-sync and triple buffering to minimize system input delays. And if you still feel like you’re missing shots, additional help is on the way. As of today, NVIDIA’s latency-reduced Reflex technology is available on Overwatch’s PTR, which allows those with relatively recent NVIDIA GPUs to check out the feature before it goes to the official release of the game.

Reflex works by limiting the number of frames your GPU sets up in certain scenes, and reducing the work your CPU has to do. With the feature enabled, NVIDIA claims that you will see a 50 percent reduction in system delay. As you can see in the chart below, the effect is most noticeable on older and cheaper GPUs like the GTX 1660 Super. However, even NVIDIA’s latest flagship gets a bump, but whether you can see the difference between 26 ms and 16 ms in the delay is a separate question.

NVIDIA Reflex Overwatch


If you have a GTX 900 series GPU or newer, you can try Reflex Ear Watch by downloading the latest GeForce Game Ready Driver from NVIDIA, switching to the PTR client and enabling the feature in the game’s display settings.
