“Nunca celebren antes de tiempo”: An antecedent party reporter on his canasta and queda in evidence in a live (VIDEO)

The periodical covers a live event, when the decision is made to try and launch a triple shoot.

Anna Hoffman, reporter for the local station WMBBTV, reports on a memo and memo on her celebration ahead of time on a three-point canvas that, however, appears to appear, finally does not pass through the area. The periodical posted on its Twitter account the grab that captures its premature reaction means a direct.

Este viernes Hoffman cubría en vivo ‘La noche de empoderamiento de los jóvenes’, celebrada en el Centro Recreativo en Panama City (Florida, EE.UU.), junto con Sean DePalma, direktor van Calidad de Vida de la ciudad, cuando decidió probar suerte and launch a tire of more than the line of three points.

The video shows the woman making the launch and stating that she has followed the target, turn and empyza to fasten ante the chamber. Without embarrassment, apparently the arrow, the balloon has a bulge and, finally, the pelota does not enter.

Although Hoffman’s conversation partner observed the fall, he decided to follow the curriculum with the periodical, praising it for its ‘false triple’. “Lo hice!.

The grab goes viral and accumulates millions of visuals, generating playful comments from users, who like to brag and post memes.

“I would like to say that I found it very strange,” wrote a user who posted a video of a similar launch during a NBA parade.

“Los niños han estropeado tu tiro!”, Recalca otro, que llama la attención sober la presen de otro balloon lanzado just at the moment of Hoffman tiro’s tiro, lo que podría haber frustrao su enceste.

“What he does not understand is that the type clearly observes the sufficient time to see his FALLO and, without embarrassment, he will create what he logs. As if he were not going to publish it!”, Writes another user.

“Se llama ‘friend zone’ [zona de amigos]”, bromeó un internauta.

“Here is where it is that [él] tenia to take a decision on whether or not to say “, commented another, adding a slingshot.
