Novio de Marjorie de Sousa prefiere no hablar sobre Julián Gil

At the end of this year, the notice of the Venezuelan actress’s transfer Marjorie de Sousa she decided to give her a new opportunity in love, and ended her failed romance with Julián Gil, now you are training galan a mexican empress of many Vicente Uribe.

If you want to know the couple you know, thank you to one of them altruist projects of the Empress, in which Marjorie participated as vocera. Pero al parecer esta no is the only good work of the news of De Sousa, then this March will appear in the press conference organized by the activist Arturo Islas, where you will know the case of elephant rescatado Big Seun.

Uribe drove the donor of the trailer to transfer to the huge animal haci a sanatorium in Sinaloa, and the media of communication approved his presence to question about his relationship with the actress and with the ex of this.

Vicente Uribe novio Marjorie

Ve: Novio de Marjorie de Sousa talks about his relationship with the actress

Although Vicente pissed that all the attention should be paid to the elephant, the press quiz showed a little more about his private life and the question about how he got to know Marjorie, and what he replied: “We are very good, she is very good, working”, dijo a las cámaras.

Including mention that the hive of his novia can conquer the animal, a vow that is found in the sanctuary; and it became clear that he was just like Marjorie and intended to put his granite on the ground in various causes.

Without embarrassment, however, even when questioning about whether there is any type of relationship or relationship with Julián Gil, Marjorie’s father, I can assure you that he has nothing to say about it: “No voy a hablar de eso nie”, finalized.

Julián Gil actor

Also: Marjorie de Sousa has a floor plan and lives with her new boyfriend
