Note from the Central Bank of Cuba on money transfers in MLC

The currencies in Moneda Liberverte Convertible (known by its MLC sails) are a specific type of bank accounts with deposits in foreign currencies such as the dollar (Canadian) or the Canadian (CAD), the Euro, the Mexican Books, the Mexican Peso Francos Suizos, between others; which has a magnetic card vinculada to the referendum account, and which is employed for the payment in tenths tents and Cuban commercial establishments from the 2019 finals.

With the independence of the foreign currency in which the deposit is held, the amount is always expressed as a reference to the dollar (USD), since some Cubans also identify the cards in MLC as “virtual dollars”.

Precisely in the last hours the maximum institution of the Cuban banking and financial system, the Central Bank of Cuba (BCC), has been alerted to the fact that there is an irregularity in the transfer of money between these cards in MLC.

Following a note posted on its Twitter account, the BCC advises its customers that before proceeding to make a balance transfer in MLC otherwise it will be subject to the same denomination, the holder must ensure that the number of the destination is always knowledge with the digits 9225.

On the contrary, the powder is involuntarily carrying out a transfer to a Cuban Peso (CUP) card and by doing so the person receiving the money will receive the total amount multiplied by 24, per CUP.

O sea, when transferring money from a card in MLC to a card in CUP (those who do not start with 9225) if the conversion takes place according to the amount of money exchanged between the dollar and the Cuban Peso, or $ 1.00 USD = $ 24.00 CUP.

For this reason, since its profile on Twitter, the Central Bank of Cuba offers customers that, if the card is mandated by the former digital signatories, decide the transfer.

The clearance is relevant for all those money transfers in MLC that are realized from the automatic cash registers, the Transfermovil or any other electronic platform used in the country.

The Central Bank’s declaration is relevant and extremely important, and our way of implicitly recognizing the existence of an informal market for divisions in the country. What? However, users who make their own donations of virtual currency to CUP will be able to exchange the 1 x 24 ration, which is known for all information on the USD exchange rate, which is double the amount of this amount.

In essence, and without formal declaration, the BCC is indicative of the users who are responsible for making a bank transfer in MLC or on the contrary, the parties who intervene in the transfer of money “lose money” to exchange the dollars with less money comfortable: la del gobierno.

How to create an MLC account?

  • You can ask any natural person to apply for a sugar bank in the country, including their identification documents
  • It is also possible to apply by means of the Transfermóvil application.
  • No need to make an initial deposit, the account can be opened with “zero balance”

How to deposit money on your MLC account?

To have funds available that permanently buy in the MLC tenders the titular tender that receives transfers from outside from another account in USD, or simply deposit foreign coins as the initials mentioned in a bank of the country.

Las tiendas cubanas en Moneda Libremente Convertible (establecimientos pertenecientes a la corporación CIMEX y la Cadena de Tiendas Caribe) surgery 28 October of the year 2019 and how it is divided and the segments essencialmente: those that sell electrodomestics, ferreteraulos electric; and the ones that were created in July 2020 for the sale of food, dairy products, and other good necessities.

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