“Not a Toque or a Peso”: Black Tiger Poncho on “La Tigresa” | EL IMPARCIAL

MEXICO CITY.- Black Nigerian poncho volvoo to put on the theme of Irma Serrano’s theme “The Tigress” to defend the accusations of haberdas made to the famous.

In an interview with the program “Hoy”, the influencer wanted to say that he had taken some of the actress’ fortune, as he had written his sobrines in various occasions.

“I like the fact that she’s the microphone on the screen and that she’s asked by Poncho de Nigris, and if she’s a penny of her. ‘ “In my life,” because we have a month that we will give to those in Pato (Zambrano) and we will regress with the Pato “, dijo el también presenter.

Approve to be despotric against the sovereign, only to find that Irma has to deal with his properties.

If there is no money left over, I will not pay for it either, ”he assured.

“Pueden can ask her, sure he will say: ‘Never let anything go, never do anything’. Yo me buy solo lo que tengo, geen ocupo nie. “I’m so surprised that I’m methane and so on,” he defended.

On various occasions, the public of famous fathers criticized the extravagant love that existed between the two and the difference between the two.

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