Norma Palafox states that “Guivalajara Femenil’s Chivas were a cycle that needed to be closed” | MX League

The Passover Youths December 17, the aficionados and all Chivas de Guadalajara Femenil sufrieron una dura noticia. It is the institution, through an official communication, announces the delivery of Norma Palafox, the historical story of Rebaño Sagrado, is one of the team’s bestseller lists in the last few weeks of the Guard1anes 2020 final.

However, all indications are that the player is retiring from football in order to take on a professional project to lead the sport., as informed by the communication of the institution, Norma Palafox announced the domingo 20, seasing three days after its release from the institution, as the new player of Club Pachuca.

Prohibition of probes, and the law of dejar abierta la posibilidad de, en algún futuro lejano, regresar a las Chivas de Guadalajara if it is the possibility, the delinquency will express itself on the death of Rebaño Sagrado. The fox in Fox Sports does not guarantee that his relationship with the team will be “a closed cycle”.

“Creo que muchas veces los ciclos se acaban. Esta vez me tocó a mi. Estoy mu agradecida a Pachuca que me dio esta oportunidad. Estoy muy contenta. It is necessary to close the cycle with Chivas. I am grateful to the person who cares for the people. There are opportunities that allow one or two times in the life and can not be returned. It’s all money, it’s clear, but the opportunity is there and it’s approved “, manifesto Norma Palafox and Central Fox with Oscar Guzmán.

Repeat as a semifinalist, minimum
