Nolan Arenado is exchanged for the Cardinals by five prospects

The third base Nolan Arenado it’s part of them Cardenales de San Luis lie that MLB accept dicho cambio with the Rockies of Colorado.

In order for this change to be official, only the approval of the MLB, Nolan Arenado and that the Rockies determine any prospective querians.

Tanto la MLB como Arenado accept the treaty and the Rockies will terminate the negotiations with the Cardinals. Nolan Arenado is all a Cardenal.

Loose Cardenales de San Luis Change Austin Gomber’s rocker launcher to the Rockies, being the first name to be announced in dicho cambio. Gomber came out on top with a record 1-1 of 1.86 in 29 appearances over the past week, a lot of relevance

Tambien is the Dominican Elehuris Montero, a gardener of 23 years who has now played in double-A, has great projections and hopes to be in the Grand Leagues approximately.

Tony Locey also has another prospect to lead the Rockies, a 22-year-old right-hander who managed to make a record of 1-2 with 5.29 in efficiency in 17 Classes-A-fortified entries.

Jake Sommers was the last of the list, a 23-year-old right-hander who had just played a time as a professional, recording a record of 2-3 with 4.18 of efficiency in 51 entries with 7 punches.

Mateo Gil, another who also leads the way Cardenales de San Luis involved in the exchange of Nolan Arenado. Open for 20 years, beat for 270 with 8 rounds in 57 draws during the season in the Minor Leagues of the MLB.

Altesaam los Rockies de Colorado recibieron a cambo de Nolan Arenado to the next players:

  • Austin Gomber
  • Elehuris Montero
  • Tony Locey
  • Jake Sommers
  • Mateo Gil
