No, vaccinated do not have to go to restaurants and bars yet – HotAir

Mute me, I thought ‘getting vaccinated’ and ‘never having to leave the house again’ was an option.

It turns out they are not.

You can see in this interview why so many vaccines still remain insanely over-cautious about social interactions, while the refusal of vaccines has kept the wind cautious. The former listens to Fauci, the latter voted him back a while back.

He lost populists centuries ago, but the bottom line is that he also loses non-populists:

Silver’s right. Recall that the actual data released by Israel last month indicates that the Pfizer vaccine reduces asymptomatic infection by 94 percent. In a recent CDC study, only three infections were found among 2,479 first-responders who were vaccinated. It is so encouraging that Rochelle Walensky has made it known on national television that people who have been vaccinated do not carry the virus. It was exaggerated, but not great. Every day seems to provide new evidence that mRNA vaccines in particular are incredibly effective in preventing infection. And people who do not become infected do not by definition infect others.

Result: “Fauci fatigue” has spread beyond MAGA and is now spreading among the broader right.

“Biden promised to follow the guidance of Dr. Fauci throughout the campaign,” GOP said. Logan Dobson over the clip on top. “I think it’s fair that reporters demand to know if that’s the administration’s position, and, if not, why Dr. Fauci still represents the administration.”

While the right-wing is responding with growing skepticism about the social distance to growth, however, some left-wing media stars are doubling down on precaution:

Last week, Zeynep Tufekci wrote strikingly about how the debate over ‘non-pharmaceutical interventions’ to reduce transmission has become increasingly dumb and anti-scientific because it has been engulfed by biased tribalism. This section is about masks, but it applies to the whole range of precautions that fight chronically left and right:

I still believe that masks, including high filtration masks, are an important tool, especially for hazards that need to work with other people or be indoors. But it is quite clear that they also have a talisman species, essentially a signal in a strain, rather than a public health tool that is very useful under certain circumstances. It’s strange to see the mask debate completely circle. Now I’m taught because I do not talk about masks, even if the article is about vaccination, and people openly declare that they will double in a year, even after being fully vaccinated – and because they say on social media that they are very receive likes and retweets (I do not link to examples because I do not try to focus on individuals). Meanwhile, those who deny the importance of the pandemic will often obsessively focus on masks, as if they are the greatest threat to freedom and individual expression, rather than an instrument of public health that is very useful under certain circumstances. The talisman works both ways as a tribal signifier.

Tufekci wrote that on April 1, it was coincidental that Joy Reid’s next tweet on Saturday above boasted about how she and her family were progressing. to double mask. If you are a ‘safety-first’ liberal-believing scientist, you simply cannot take enough precautions: Get vaccinated, then stay home, wear six masks at the rare occasions where you have to venture outside. On the other hand, the “reopen now” question-the-experts are rightly populist: The vaccine is ineffective or dangerous, live your life, masks are for a bite. It would be nice if Fauci’s leadership relaxed a bit to lead the first group to more meaningful risk management. As it is, soon the only people who will still listen to him will be people who will take maximum precautions anyway.

Here’s a bit more from the same interview, where he is confronted about his infamous advice against wearing masks early in the pandemic. He defends himself for a long time and emphasizes that science at the time turned away from air shipping. (Oddly enough, he does not mention that masks were unfavorable by experts because they thought that the virus was transmitted by touching infected surfaces, and that the masking could lead to people bringing viral particles to their mouths and noses.) But he also acknowledges the ‘noble lie’, the fear that doctors and nurses have a mask shortage and that experts can only ensure a supply for professionals by dampening public demand. He will never live it out. Leave quote via Noam Blum, and explains why Fauci’s advice against post-growth socialization is now falling on deaf ears: ‘The problem is that once Fauci conceded that he said things with the deliberate aim of designing public behavior in a way that he well thought out, it’s always possible he says is another attempt to do so. ‘
