No solo el Sol, Diego Boneta and Renata Notren estrenan romance

No solaments Luis Miguel is estreno, el actor Diego Boneta, protagonist of his series on Netflix, also announced his romance with Renata Notni in the four weeks there was an exclusive publication that gave the first place.

In the middle of the closest estrogen of the second period of Luis Miguel: The Series, the protagonist, who finds the main character of the tram, Diego Boneta also shares the news that since weeks have been speculated, his novelty with the artist Renata Notni ¡Ya es un hecho!

With a photo that most recently showed to the couple, conformed by Diego Boneta who will find the artist “puertorriqueño” and Renata Notni, finally confirms the rumors of his relationship.

Diego Boneta poses for the first time together with his new Renata Notni for Quién, is in the message that accompanies the publication that the cual contains a photograph of the couple.

The instantaneous series will take place during the inauguration of the “Mykita” magazine, an event that will also present the actor’s family.

Without embarrassment, the couple has been caught in other moments at the cameras as on an occasion at the Airport of the City of Mexico where it is available to vacation in Puerto Vallarta in Punta Mita, at this time, the tortoises decide not to take.

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But there was the periodist Alex Kaffie who discovered that the actors maintained a relationship. Throughout its column, Kaffie revealed that the haberdasher actor surpassed the protagonist of “The Dragon” with an exclusive floral arrangement to celebrate the “Day of San Valentín”, which feeds most of the rumors

The notice of surprise for many is that there was a secret in the votes that the figures of the show sustained a sentimental angle, today 18 April will confirm that they are together.

In any way, the reactions will not be hesitant and between various comments and piropus users will send the best wishes and a good relationship.

The parabens dedicated to the new parish are summarizing the reactions of some of their companions to the artistic medium, such as Jacky Bracamontes who made the resale a like in the publication.

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Fue the periodist Alex Kaffie who had lost the romance of the couple, but finally both confirmed his relationship at the end of the week.

The romance son of Diego Boneta and Michelle Salas.

A series of circular photographs in the last days in the middle of the euphoria by the stride of the series by Luis Miguel and to appear only in the secret halls of “Luismi” are also the actor who performs in the series, which by poco sería su yerno.

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Fueron algunas fotografias que circularon en días pasados ​​in social speeches las cuales expondrian un supuesto romance entre la hija de Luis Miguel y Diego Boneta.

All indications are that these figures were made some years ago and were made in the middle of a passage by callers from Los Angeles who were caught in a romantic plan.

In some of the photographs that appear to have appeared, the model and influencer next to the actor who will be spotted protruding from the “Mexico Divo”, the bright light in the call abrazados in one of the postals, where Boneta appears to parrot’s spring and regale a sonrisa, while the hya del cantante permanence de perfil with a sonrisa dibujada tras verse descubierta.

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“We are known, but not me”

These photographs were taken from the world in 2013, but in addition the two images are more similar than a love one and that includes the actor revealing in an interview: “We are known, but do not tell me”, added.

I have a very good time, I have a good one, I confess to having four Diego Boneta … It’s a tip. Muy guapa, muy buena onda. La acabo de conocer allá (in Los Angeles), revealed the young artist in a recent interview.
