No outbreaks of Covid have been linked to stranded beaches, scientists tell MPs


households of sun worshipers flocked to beaches across the country this past summer to pick up the rays, prompting concern from Covid-19 “super-spreader” events.

But there has never been a Covid-19 outbreak related to a busy beach, MPs heard on Wednesday.

Professor Mark Woolhouse, Professor of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases at the University of Edinburgh, told the Committee on Science and Technology: “During the summer we were treated to this on television news and on photos of busy beaches, and there was a scream about it.

“There have been no outbreaks associated with busy beaches. There has never been a Covid-19 outbreak linked to a beach, to the best of my knowledge.”

He said that mass gatherings – such as a horse racing event – are an exception because they do not take social distance and there are ‘bottlenecks’ such as travel and refreshment facilities.

“I think we need to understand where the risks are so that we can do as much as possible safely,” he added.

Sun worshipers flock to Bournemouth Beach

The same panel heard scientists ‘shouting’ at someone in a position of political power to decide what level of Covid-19 infections is ‘acceptable’.

‘I think it’s fair to say that we should not have Covid winters that are worse than bad flu winters. But in fact, bad flu winters can be quite bad, ‘said Professor Dame Angela McLean, chief scientific adviser at the Ministry of Defense.

‘This is one of the things we have repeatedly called for – can anyone in a position of political power tell us what an acceptable number of infections are.

‘Maybe in the last year, maybe in 2020 where the number of infections and deaths was so high, nobody would say that.

“But we do have to decide what level is acceptable, and then we can manage our lives with that in mind.”

Professor Woolhouse added: ‘The answer is not zero. If you believe that no death of Covid is acceptable or any of that order, write a blank check to inflict any damage by the measures you have instituted to try to control it. ”

The comment comes as the prime minister jokes with reporters at a mass vaccination center at Cwmbran Stadium in Cwmbran, South Wales.

Mr Johnson said: ‘I think it’s 46 000 they did in this center, a very excellent achievement.

“I think, as the song says, ‘I’ve been around the world and then in Japan, I’ve never found a place for vaccines like Cwmbran.’ How are you? ”

He added: ‘I think if you look at the infection rates in the UK, it’s going down a bit bit now. This is very encouraging.

‘I think one of the big questions people will want to ask is to what extent it is now driven by vaccination. We hope it is, there are some encouraging signs, but it is still early. “
