“No lo podía creer”: the Spanish ghana the best doctoral thesis of the world in deportiva medicine


“No lo podía creer”: the Spanish ghana the best doctoral thesis of the world in deportiva medicine

“No lo podía creer”: el español gana la mejor doctoral thesis del mundo en medicina deportiva

It is a fact that the sport is healthy, that there are miles of illnesses and that the sportsmen have more healthy lives. It’s an obviedad, but in the world

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It is a fact that the sport is healthy, that there are miles of illnesses and that the sportsmen have more healthy lives. It’s an obviedad, but in the world of science, quedaban aún algosos cabos por atar en ese consensus. Now, a researcher from the University of Granada has finished his doctoral thesis, confirming that the owner increased the levels of the anti-weight loss protein Klotho. The research of Francisco José Amaro-Gahete, a lecturer in the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada (UGR), has taken place. Acaba is being reviewed by the British Journal of Sport Medicine (scientific journal with the highest prestige in the Age of Sport) as the best sports medicine school in the world. It’s first time that a Spaniard is having this reconciliation. The merit of this youthful appeasement of science, medicine and the deportation of Fuente Obejuna (Córdoba) is enormous. Maximum international reconnaissance, but having “financing 0” received. The most notable is the collaboration with San Cecilio University Hospital, Granada. “Meterte en esto es una carrera de fondo en la que somos pocos y estamos en precario, ya sabes como es la investigación en este país …” suspira.Contra el envejecimiento, no pain – no gainEl écito de este trabajo radica en la Established connection between: Klotho was the number of the most virtuous heirs of the gods Zeus and hilaba the Hebrews of life, and the protein Klotho alerts and serves to prevent ligaments in the pathology such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis or neurological affections. A new sports doctrine “This is a new way of life for the investigation, we have many new possibilities of intervention, such as medicine as in the sports department”, that the study is profound in the effect that there are different patterns of ownership. conducted by the Department of Physiology (Faculty of Medicine) and by the Department of Physics and Sports Education of the UGR noted that all physical exercise increases cardiometabolic health, since some specific medical programs have an important incidence. ¿And is this how you translate to me day in and day out ?, you will think about what training and urges you have time to put on the agenda. “I do not like to make generic recommendations because the sport is like medicine, it has to be analyzed case by case”, advised Amaro, but recommends intercalating sessions of muscle strength exercises of up to 20 minutes with cardiovascular habitual exercise — it takes more than 30 minutes— between 2 and 3 weeks per week, respectively.As much as it takes time to avoid closed gyms and agglomerations, it is recommended to self-evaluate. To do this, we will record our intensive diagnostic proposal, the perceived effort, the Borg scale called. “Normally val saam met die calificación de la intensidad del esfuerzo que tú mismo te diagnostiques con tu frecuencia cardiaca, solo hay que practicar y aprender a conocer mejor nuerstro cuerpo” .España, no es pais para la medicina deportivaFrancisco Amaro nos cuenta que mal with what I recommend, at 29 years of age practically all the days and is a passion for fitness and crossfit, and because “that research and teaching I can read 13 hours a day, there is all the organization”. The International Reconciliation to Work on the Focus in a Question. In Spain, deportive medicine is relegated to the cola of medicine. While claiming that sports are healthy, Amaro lamented that Spain is one of the few countries where the MIR specialty does not exemplify sports medicine. “I’m sure that, within miles of cases, a good deportation training program will increase medical treatment, it’s a pity that the sport is committed to diagnostics, that there are two worlds that are disconnected.”





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reports, education, health, sports, people, medicine

The intense sport is perfect for preventing the flood. Francisco Amaro reveals in his doctoral thesis that he accepts the award as the best in the world in sports medicine. It is first and foremost that a Spaniard deals with this reconciliation thanks to the direct assessment of consideration and physical ownership.

It is a fact that the sport is healthy, that there are miles of illnesses and that the sportsmen have more healthy lives. It’s an oboviedad, but in the world of science, quedaban aún algosos cabos por atar en ese consensus. Now, a researcher from the University of Granada has finished his doctoral thesis, confirming that the owner increased the levels of the anti-weight loss protein Klotho.

The research of Francisco José Amaro-Gahete, a lecturer in the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada (UGR), has taken place. Acaba de ser reconocida por la magazine British Journal of Sport Medicine (scientific journal with the highest prestige in the area of ​​Sports Science) as the best sports medicine school in the world. It’s first time that a Spaniard is having this reconciliation.

“It would be difficult to create among the 17 selected candidates, but when the moon [12 de abril] for the sake of lamenting me for announcing that I will not, I will create the podium. Note that there are United States Department of Investigation, Russia or United Kingdom! “, Speak to Sputnik with emotion.

The merit of this youthful appeasement of science, medicine and the deportation of Fuente Obejuna (Córdoba) is enormous. Maximum international reconnaissance, but having received “financing 0”. The most notable is the collaboration with San Cecilio University Hospital, Granada. “Meterte en esto una carrera de fonde en la que somos pocos y estamos en precario, ya sabes como es la investigacieon este pais …” suspira.

Contra el envejecimiento, no pain – no profit

The success of this radical work in the connection established between:

cardiometabolic health;
the concentration of the Klotho protein. This protein is a biomarker, its presence and concentration are synonymous with digestion.
Un baño - Sputnik Mundo, 1920, 29.03.2021

A good (and surprising) habit that you can help keep you young
Klotho was the name of the most virtuous god of the god Zeus and hilaba the Hebrews of life, and the protein Klotho alerted and refused to prevent leagues of enema in osteoarthritis, osteoporosis or including neuronal affections.

“These are our questions: if physical ownership is health, quizzes have a direct implication on the levels of Klotho”, and here we have Francisco Amaro trying to find a direct solution between physical ownership and frenzy.

A new sports doctrine

“There is now a new way of investigating, many of the new possibilities of intervention, both in medicine and in the sports department”, is that the study is profound in the effect that there are different patterns of physical ownership.

A man flexing his muscles - Sputnik Mundo, 1920, 25.03.2021

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The investigation carried out by the Department of Physiology (Faculty of Medicine) and by the Department of Physics and Sports Education of the UGR found that all physical ownership increases cardiometabolic health, since some specific medical programs have an incidence.

“We have noticed that high-intensity interval training, that is to say, have reduced my time per hour with more intensity, better in various parameters”, a good news, keeping in mind that most of the people are more interested in it “men and women between 40 and 65 years old “, live a sedentary life, with little time for deportation practice.

¿And is this how you translate to me day in and day out ?, you will think about what training and urges you have time to put on the agenda. “I do not like to make generic recommendations because the sport is like medicine, it has to be analyzed case by case”, advised Amaro, but he recommends intercalating sessions of muscle strength exercises of up to 20 minutes with cardiovascular habitual exercise — for a maximum of 30 minutes—, between 2 and 3 weeks per week respectively.

Physical activity, illustrative image - Sputnik Mundo, 1920, 07.01.2021

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And although much is being done at home to avoid closed gyms and agglomerations, it is recommended to self-evaluate. To do this it is important to record our own diagnostic intensity, the perceived effort, the lame escalator Borg. “Normale val saam met califación de la intensidad del esfuerzo que tú mismo te diagnostiques con tu frecuencia cardiaca, solo hay que practicar y aprender a conocer mejorro cuerpo”.

Spain, is not a country for sports medicine

Francisco Amaro tells us about the malabarisms that he has to deal with that which he recommends, and at the age of 29 he practically owns all the slides and is a passion for fitness y crossfit, pesar de “que la investigación y la docencia me pueden llegar a quitar 13 horas al día, es todo organization”.

Ejercicio físico, image reference - Sputnik Mundo, 1920, 24.02.2020

The terrible consequences of the work spirierde exhaustive or repentant

The International Reconciliation to Work on the Focus in a Question. In Spain, sports medicine is relegated to the cola of medicine. While claiming that sports are healthy, Amaro lamented that Spain is one of the few countries where the MIR specialty does not exemplify sports medicine. “I’m sure that, within miles of cases, a good deportation training program has increased medical treatment, it’s a pity that the sport is committed to diagnostics, that there are so many unconnected worlds.”
