¿No la complacía? Ana Bárbara revealed not to be happy in his marriage to El Pirru

Ana Bárbara is one of the songs with the most artistic trayectoria in the country, and the fame of 50 years of life has lived both the spring of the world of spectacle for many years, for which we have all the testimonies of all ages and love.

One of the most important relationships that you have with José María Fernandez “El Pirru” and although it was very much loved and loved locally, the song ended its relationship in 2010 when it was happy.

Have a conversation with the program Sal y Pimienta, that fame sincero about its amorous relations, and habló that although amaba to his ex-wife, in reality no pudo be happy as in a cue of hadas.

The press brings the relationship of Ana Bárbara.

Famous le hecho la culpa a los medios sober su fraosas amoroso, asegurando que la mediatic prue fue quien llevó a su relación al fin, pues no se sentían seguros, y no podían disfrutar de su romance, mismo que llegó al alt en 2006, only lasts a duration of 4 years.

“I’m ex-married and I’ve been very pressured to do the media role, it’s horrible, horrible, it’s not fun to talk about, it’s a lot of people love it, but I’m not happy.”, Dijo.

Ana Bárbara keeps records of his past romance, without embarrassment, the famous one is now happier than ever, enamored, having fun with his wife, and with more than 2 million followers on his Instagram account, in addition to which he launches music , siendo su carrera su verdadero amor.

The recommendation: Ana Bárbara ALARMA to her fans by asking who realized What happened?

Do you think that the press is the culprit at the end of the matrimony between Ana Barbara and El Pirru? La Verdad News to enter everything about this famous and the world of spectacle.

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