No hooi register of tuit at Stanford School of Medicine that increases death by obesity

Copyright AFP 2017-2020. All rights reserved.

A capstone cover of superstar clothes from the Stanford University School of Medicine, in the United States, where the question is “Normalization of Obesity” and responding augmented by the temporary death of a user, has been shared for more than 11,000 times and social speeches since the 20th of February. Sondeverbod, geen hooi registro de ese contenido y la institution institution desmintió su publication, señalando que las capturas son irregulares.

“We need to normalize OBESIDAD by favoring people in the 21st century !!!”, habría tuiteado una usuaria segun una imagen que circula en Facebook (1, 2, 3) e Instagram (1, 2, 3).

Follow the captions, the Stanford University School of Medicine Spanish Answer: “No vamos is a normal person enfermedad que mata a las personas”, a lo que la usuaria contest: “I weigh 170 kilos and stay alive”. Finally, the Hebrew institution advertised: “No for much time”, augurando así la muerte temprana de la usuaria.

Capture of a post from a Facebook post made on February 26, 2021

AFP Feitlike carried out a search of all its various buildings. In agreement with the publications, the Stanford School of Medicine will publish all of them on November 24, 2020, for one limited search between the 23rd and 25th of this month I have not received any content related to this discussion. The day in question published only a bag about the covid-19 tests.

On Twitter tampoco has registered the existence of a profile with the name of the user “dayana1210g“None of the phrases used in the exchange (1, 2, 3).

Rastreos en Wayback machine, a platform that allows you to archive web pages and publications on social media, will not show results about all your mentions.

In Google tampoco we find results with key phrases like “Stanford + Obesity”, ni en español ni en Engels. The search engine also publishes articles about articles on the site.

Margarita Gallardo, spokeswoman for the Stanford School of Medicine, responded that “None of the responses displayed in the cover capture have been published”.

“We recognize that publications and images may have been tampered with by the user of the user’s computer, which we suspect are here”, señaló.

Images like the one circulating in speeches can be logged by attaching a photomontage or changing the HTML code of a tuit, as AFP Factual explained other verifications.

Stanford University School of Medicine holds a space dedicated to informing about obesity and overweight, giving advice about health risks. Do not use a language similar to all the words about it “Normalization of obesity”, including an explanation that can be based on factors such as nutrition, physical activity, genetics or medicine, through the use of medical certificates and health problems.
