No haystacks for the supremacistas of the Proud Boys and the hotel Harrington de Washington | US Elections

Members of the Proud Boys group at a Trump-favored rally in November.
Members of the Proud Boys group at a Trump-favored rally in November.HANNAH MCKAY / Reuters

Salvador A. knows that in the United States there is no impunity as a successful nation in its native El Salvador, but “these are all capable of death”, explained in order to maintain this conversation. As for many other employees of the Harrington Hotel in Washington, the last months have been, even less, unpleasant. For what reason? Los Proud Boys (literlik, chicos orgullosos, en español), an ultra group in which only men are accepted, nationalist rhetoric, anti-Muslimism and misogyny are traced to the clocks of the Internet, which are high on the centenary and most old hotel of Washington su residence residence when his members llegan to the capital to give his support to the president-elect, Donald Trump. The next quote from these chicos orgullosos af Washington es este miércoles 6. Para entonces, el Harrington no tendrá sus puertas abiertas.

It will be hosted during the 4th of July festival, during the third week of November of the March of the Million MAGA March (Make America Great Again, Hacer América Grande de Nuevo), which has many numbers of this number of assistants, although the number when the white supremacist exhibition is clear and the President of the United States is not imported. Volvieron to occupy homes, Harrington’s bar and alleys, five houses of the White House, the 12th of December to take part in protesting against Joe Biden’s election as president. And planeaban hospedarse otra ve este miercoles 6 deerero, el día en el congresso ratify the number of the new president. But the hotel has decided to close its doors in these three different denunciations by not respecting the rules of covid-19 and altercados in the surrounding areas with the ultra group, with conductor, Enrique Tarro, has been detained for months in case of incidents in the city.

With more than 106 years of life, the 250 Harrington housing estates have been in existence since 1914. Harrington Mills and its partner, Charles McCutchen, built a hotel that offered some excellent housing in this era for less-than-accommodating residents with bath. Located on the outskirts of Calle 11 with the E, the Harrington is an equestrian hotel in a city that is most enticing with the prices, close to the main monuments of the nation’s capital and with a bar that has sun, in this was Starbucks in every neighborhood. The Harry’s Bar, to be precise, has one of the causes of conflict between Harrington, Alcaldia, the Proud Boys of the Washingtonians who consider themselves to have been living in this extreme country that is identified by their black and yellow tassels. .

In the last three months of the pandemic, Harry has been accused of violating the security protocols he has imposed on the coronavirus, as well as the negativity of customers’ concerns about the expansion of covid- On Saturday, December 12th, the Proud Boys will go to Washington with the intention of “lying with Valentine” and “defending the Republic” and avoid, as will be done, Joe Biden taking over the presidency. The domination of the amnesty with the notice that the night has been followed by several arrests and detainees during the trumpet demonstration in an attack with strong opponents. The four supualamientos sucedieron near the Harry’s Bar.

Violence is a desire to support certain sectors of the state capital, with Enrique Tarrio making sure that he does not have one of the insignia that the city and the famous Black Lives Matter (Las Vidas Negras Importan) lament. This past Monday, Tarrio was detained in the capital for that action. “Whose are the calls?”, Exclamaban plummeted during Trump’s favor. “On ours!”, Respondent believes his companions are advancing towards the square that commemorates the front of the White House in the wake of police violence and racism.

Abena J. is female, black and immigrant and has been able to lose the salary she needed as a way to live if she wanted to serve in the hotel some of the men who were large and disparate with antibacterial gloves and helmets to wear one war. “If there is nothing for them”, he intends to explain, then that some of the people and men will be nervous about wearing a uniform. “No soy nada”, repeated.

The FBI defines a Proud Boys as an extreme right-wing organization affiliated with white supremacism and misogyny. During the first debate of presidential candidates last September, the president asked Donald Trump if he was able to condone the white supremacy and that he believed that the bill should be debated. Su-mededinger, Joe Biden, sugirió a los Proud Boys. “Proud Boys, retroceded and quedaos a la espera”, replied the Republican.

Despite the violence, desmanes and the lack of compromise with what dictated a virus that in EE UU has covered more than 350,000 lives, the establishment of the establishment has opted to communicate its drastic decision that the 4th, 5th and 5th 6 of its ports will be permanently locked. “While it’s true that we can not control what happens to the hotel, we must protect the safety and well-being of our guests, visitors and workers,” said the board of directors. No hay camas para los Proud Boys. At least in the Harrington Centenary.

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